nonfrens in a nutshell

757  2019-06-16 by FoxDieEeE


These people looks like penile tips 😀

deep, meta post

Lol penis


How do you do that line thing?

fucking shit did it work?

last time the holocaust happened



Non frens need us they juss can’t admit it.

No matter how much they try to deny it, deep down they know that a world without frens is a world of disease and savagery.

They need some one to hate or they will cannibalize themselves

This is The American Left in its essence.

Hurr durr I'm gonna go search around for people I disagree with and claim that they shouldn't exist

And what's worse I saw it being used as something left needs to deal with

the world of politics is an unfrenly one

the world of politics is an unfrenly one