Remember to wish your dad a happy fathers day frens

4332  2019-06-16 by dongus_jongus


Fatherhood is important

13% of the population disagrees.

Those 13% are wrong tho

56% intensifies

Begone, nonfren

Fren, you gave me the big sad.

A fren who doesn't believe in equality is no fren at all

frens also care about statistics

Frens know that the actions of some do not mean everyone is associated with them


40% of cops

Have had disagreement with their spouse. The study says nothing about beating wives but it discribed rates of "marital issues" which means that they likely beat their wives the same amount as average but write down arguments as a "marital issue".

I don’t like that you are gone so much

Basically the same as beating your wife

87% is more than 13% so the statistic is that fatherhood is important, fren. That fren right there sure cares.

Equal frens are not free. Free frens are not equal.

That is og frenliness you mong

13% wishes they had fathers but the long nose tribe locked them all up.

regular subreddit

This image is blessed thx fren!

Seriously who's Dad drinks Monster?

Maybe I'm just a Boomer, but I don't know any man worth his salt over the age of 30 that wouldn't prefer a beer to an energy drink.



for real, grow up and do cocaine like an adult

I prefer meth, but that's just me.

well I just typically jab myself in the heart with syringes filled with artificial adrenaline, but yea meth for the come down ;-)

Monster hits the spot after my MMA training. Beer gives you a gut so it's only for special weekends.

One can of Monster has more sugars, carbs and calories than most every lite beer.

Not the meme clear monster.

I have drank many of these and I can pretty confidently tell you that you got a bad can. They have a very distinct citrus flavor, akin to Squirt. I suggest getting another and trying it again, fren.

To me it taste like a 7up if made with fake sugar instead of real, then put too much sweetener

It tastes like water with sweetener to me too and I drink loads of it.

The ultra zero has no calories or sugar fren!!

You should be careful with synthetic sweeteners. Sugar in access isnt healthy and aspertame isn't a good alternative.

Heck anything fun is bad for you fren.

Association is trash and its only one study

Sugar in access isnt healthy

It's true, pouring sugar in your computer stops MS Access from working!

That's the one I drink! Yup.



30 yrs old is old enough to have a 15 year old kid.


Is beer any better? It's only good to give you man tits and potbelly. At least Monster tastes good, whereas beer is mostly piss.

Monster has more carbs, sugars, and calories than most beers.

Yeah takes a man to enjoy the taste of beer, maybe one day you will understand.

If you've "acquired" a taste for beer it's because you trained your reward system to equate "fizzy rotwater in mouth now = feelsgood fuzzyhead later"

Bourbon with a splash and some coldstones, however, now that's a man's drink whose preference isn't explained away by some half-assed science wizardry I probably just made up on the toilet

I don't really even drink to be honest I just think energy drinks are for pussies and kids

I generally try to avoid caffeine. Co-worker at work drinks five monsters a day and had a heart attack at 34. We don't do much 80% of the time so sometimes it's hard to stay awake, and I guess that helps him, but when you drink 3900 calories and sit at a computer for 8-12 hours you get obese as fuck.

He quit them for a while when he came back to work but he's back on them again

Same. I can't stand being caffeinated. Always been that way for me.

I don't drink coffee. Love the smell of coffee, but hate the taste and the jittery feeling.

I stay away from hot drinks for the most part to, because I am afraid of scalding my mouth. I think I remember burning my mouth as a kid drinking coffee, so I think that's another reason I don't like it.

Nah. Beer tastes great. Miller Lite to Rodenbach. So many wonderful tasting beers for so many different occasions. I love beer so much that I can’t drink it anymore because it was literally killing me.

You should be proud of yourself, fren. Sobriety is no walk in the park, but it does so much more than save your own life.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks, fren! I have no doubt that sobriety is the best decision I make every day and it totally changed my life but I’m still a bit bitter I can’t enjoy the many wonderful flavors of alcoholic beverages. But still, I haven’t drank for 11 months and I’m not going to restart now.

Ok dummy!

Fren: you sure seem to know a lot about manliness, more so than me, that's for sure. I do question the soundness of induling in a habit such as beer-drinking due to its cultural appeal, fren. Seems like a waste of effort to me, it does. Not to say I don't like to pay my ol' fren Old Speckled Hen a visit now and then, but I do prefer Orange Jooice alright. Stay healthy, fren.

Honestly...I barely drink fren. Work out too much to drink all the time.

I just don't trust a "man" who drinks energy drinks. That's stuff is for pussies and kiddies.

Anyways cheers to you fren!

With you there, fren. I used to drink energy drinks now and then at home just because I like its taste. Thankfully, my metabolism allows to me do so.

sounds like someone hasn't had their first sip of the day yet

I don't know how but my great uncle only drinks Busch light. He drinks it while driving too, the whole 9 yards.

Modern dads I guess? Dads under 30?

My dad drinks redbull, because he's a recovering alcoholic.

For my Dad it would be doublefisting pots of coffee. The old man never rests!

Happy Father's day to all my frens didn't leave their kids behind.

Thanks fren!

Happy father's day to the fathers in this sub or to-be fathers.

May you always have good times with your kids.



Why not fren

He Left my mother


Im sorry



I'm in Spain so it isn't Father's Day. Too commercial of a date. We celebrate it on St. Joseph's.

Hello spanish fren, frenlutations from Barcelona

my dad went to the store to buy milk and never came back fren idk how i do dis

Im sorry fren

is ok fren

Its ok runescape fren



I’ll be your dad fren

sure fren :)

I love my dad

I think you soiled your pants there sport

He wears Supreme, it's normal


Apustaja is retarted, so it's expectable...

Maybe it's just you

Had a good hour long call with the old man. We didn't get along well when I was a kid, but now that I'm older and wiser I understand why does the things he does and says the things he says. Made sure to tell him I love him and to thank him for being a good dad.

Isn't fathers day on March 19th?

In America its today

What? In belgium fathersday was a week ago, im confusion frens, plz halp

In America it's today

Same in Britain

It is my first Father’s Day frens

Congrats fren

Congrats fren!

Happy father's day to all biological dads and happy cuck's day to all stepdads.

I don’t have a father

Im sorry fren

I am sorry fren, perhaps you can break that pattern!

Me neither fren. Do you want to talk about it? I am here for you fren.

Same :(

Sweaty... Fren....

Don’t feel bad fren I lost my father when I wuz yung.

Nice sweater fren

And for those without real dadfrens, acknowledge and appreciate the father-like figures in your life. I haven't seen my dad in 10 years. Thank you to all the men that taught me the things a father should.

I feel for you fren

Same with my girlfriend, she hasn't seen her dad in years because of what he did to go to prison. She doesn't bother talking to him at all and apparently he doesn't know about me at all.

Fren, I think you may hab mispelled fren

O no fren! Your daddy spilled monster drink on ur pants!

Very fashionable shirt fren

veyr cool shirt fren i like colgate

My dad is my best fren.

Me too fren


Frens, my Dad was killed by his sister's very unfrenly son. I hope he's doing well wherever he is. I miss him.

He's in a better place fren

I’m sorry fren, I hope you’ve found peace since then

Yes, Fren. Though it sucks that he'll get out of prison in 25 years.

Hopefully he does something to stay in fren!

I wish the prosecution wouldn't have given him a deal. Pled guilty to 2nd degree in exchange for taking kiddie porn and other similar charges off (in addition to it being lowered from 1st degree as he had spent days or weeks planning it). Got off kinda easy, frens.

Makes me mad fren. Hopefully he’ll get bopped in prison!

Today is my first fathers day, frens! It feels great.

Congrats fren

Lmfao the supreme shirt

I don’t have a dad, I was born via sperm donation to one of my moms.

Do you have any father figures fren?


Sorry fren

Clean your pants fren. You had a leaky.


When a fren says nirvana is for boomers 😤😤😤


My dad is a bit of a meanie, but at least he puts in minimal effort instead or none

My "dad" cheated w hookers and walked out when I was a young teen , at least my frens are loyal :)

I'm sorry fren

Thank u fren 🌹

One day you can be a better dad, fren

Fren you peed your pants!!


I have no dad fren, he was taken by Mr longnose

Sorry fren

Congratulations fren! You made it to hot in r/All !

60k frens fren. We’re the answer to the_donald getting coopted

My dad passed away last year ;(

Im sorry for your loss fren

Thanks, fren.

Happy fren family :))

Makes so much sense that degenerate white pride faggots literally have no father figures. Maybe if your mom was impregnated a strong African or Arabic man instead you'd be less of such cucks and could someday assimilate into our permanently multicultural society?

Based schizo poster

Normies seem schizo when you unironicaly believe globalization is a Jewish scheme to replace whites with browns. Imagine being that fucking retarded lol

You sound like you need a hug 😊 Have a wonderful day!

(Also my mom was impregnated by an African man so I guess I win)

Begone nonfren!

Having a strong figure is what made me NOT homo

Yeah totally not queer or degenerate to piss ur pants all day about white birth rates LOL

Where did you come from lmao

My dad is a great guy! Because of him, I’m not a thot non-fren!

not fathers day in eu but i love my dad so much just wanted to share that frens. I hope you all have loving father figures as well

Can’t wait to marry my boyfren and make tadpoles with him! He’ll be a great frog dad!

His dad hopped out on his family when he was a littles boi :(

Congrats fren


I have no father to say that to fren

Im sorry fren

Why does Pepe look happy on the left and sad on the right.

It's Apu fren, common mistake

But my dad ded :(

I'm sorry fren

What's a father



My dad is my bestfren. He is a great dad n I wish he could be your fren too but he is my dad!

Me too fren

dont forget some clean pants on aisle 3 fren

This is cute

my father left when I was born

he is not a friend

fuck you dad

haha lil pepe peed himself:)

he's trying


My dad is awesome, too bad I'll never be one. Just gonna put a bullet in my head soon.

That cart picture took me back

My father died a few years back but I can finally celebrate again because I will become one soon :)

Congrats fren

Best way to have more frens is to make your own fren with your best fren

He's in a better place fren

A fren who doesn't believe in equality is no fren at all

I’m sorry fren, I hope you’ve found peace since then

I don't really even drink to be honest I just think energy drinks are for pussies and kids

Nah. Beer tastes great. Miller Lite to Rodenbach. So many wonderful tasting beers for so many different occasions. I love beer so much that I can’t drink it anymore because it was literally killing me.