551  2019-06-16 by LabanTheVile


Good job frens, we need to keep the salt away from Fren World. Doin a great job boys.

They're working tirelessly to keep the salt off our streets, keeping frenworld frenly!

Goes without saying that if you see salt, shout 'SALT!'

Is that banana they were holding fren?

Yes fren, but it's only for their own protection. Those nonfrens are very dangerous, and are suspected to have bopped many frens before this.

Very true, fren. And remember: a stitch in time (in the nonfren) saves nine (in the fren).

Good job fren!!

Led by Walter Nonfren!

This blue salt was made by the one they call Heisenonfren! Word out on Frenly Street says he makes the best shit!

I've also heard about that stuff, fren! And something about Skynet being behind it somehow, altho I'm not sure if there are any terminators involved. If you have any potential tips, then contact your local fren PD!

Topminds is foiled again!

Great job frens!

fren, is this the true way of the frens? I think not :(

I think freeing unfrenly people from their salt is a frenly thing to do

But they make viable arguments right?


Not really, no.

When is something a joke and when is it hate speech? When I browse this sub so many posts are about alt-right stuff, it's kinda weird that that's become the subject of this sub

I really don't believe hate speech is a thing here fren, I have never seen frens directly incite to violence or hatred

Violence not, but if you've never seen hatred on this sub you need to take of your glasses fren

Hate speech isn't real. It's way too subjective to ever be properly enforced.

Good work, fren! I printed it and, with your frenly permission, I will frame it. I'd love to have this art in my office, but bosses and co-workers are all evil NPC, so it will be in the kitchen instead. The kitchen is where I meet my IRL frens, who are - by definition - conscious. I'm confident that the picture will be appreciated. Some frens in the kitchen are distinguished vets from meme wars and for the others it will be an opportunity to ask and learn. Great!

Go ahead fren, spread the word!


The neighborhood is really going to the bops since the nonfrens moved in

See that fren by the trailer, he’s my uncle!

He's a good fren, be proud of him!

i’m proud of our frenly swat frens


Good job FWPD


Stupid dumb-dumbs

Amazing work frens, true heroes.