I was at the beach today when another group of refugees from Toadland came on a boat! There are so many of them in Frenworld now. I hope things get better in Toadland so that they can return to their homes.

135  2019-06-16 by braighdentheviking


Perhaps Mr. Longnose will help them back to Toadland like he helped them into Frenworld?


Mr Long-nose told me it's like the elevator from Sideways Stories at Wayside High. It only goes one way... Seems like a design flaw, but I don't know.... I am not very smaht.

Erm... They look like they'd be happier in Toadland, tell them we full

Too bad toadland is in a civil war

I hope the toads the best wherever they end up fren!

Yikes. This is so fucking cringe



2 years ago a frien of mine's phone got swooped by a nonfren toad at knifepoint...

The thing is not all toads are frens who escape horrible war, most of them are also unwanted toads in their countries.

Please let's be nice to toads who escape war, who are working and honest but the ones who steal, rape, murder and ransack are... are unwanted in everywhere. I believe in deserved mercy, if you don't deserve mercy you will have none.

Tell them they are welcome here!!!


I don't want my butthole culturally enriched nonfren

Australia allowed toads in the 40s. Read how that went.


TL;DR they laid waste to everything and are spreading to this day

Cane toads in Australia

The cane toad in Australia is regarded as an exemplary case of a "feral species"—others being rabbits, foxes, cats and dogs. Australia's relative isolation prior to European colonisation the industrial revolution—both of which dramatically increased traffic and importation of novel species—allowed development of a complex, interdepending system of ecology, but one which provided no natural predators for many of the species subsequently introduced. The recent, sudden inundation of foreign species has led to severe breakdowns in Australian ecology, after overwhelming proliferation of a number of introduced species for which the continent has no efficient natural predators or parasites, and which displace native species—in some cases these species are physically destructive to habitat as well. Cane toads have been very successful as an invasive species, having become established in more than 15 countries within the past 150 years.

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Oh no. Looks like toads mean trouble.

Their unfrenly behaviour is a product of purely economic factors fren

I think it’s suspicious that hundreds of male toads keep coming but no children or female toads are coming

TBH, I don't want toadies here either. They have their own land.

Ya, so weird that a dangerous journey is more often attempted by males.

it’s nonfrenly to downvote logic

But the TV always show mom and children toads

Toads welcome here.

God damn you're thicc fren


You need to get laid. You just commented on a cartoon frogs ass......

As improbable as it may seem for someone who browses this sub, I do indeed have regular sex with my girlfriend lol


I too have done the sex. Lots of times. Infact, I’m going to go do the sex right now.

Because I do the sex. A lot.

Nice, fren

Yeah, fren. We do the sex. But not together.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Don't listen to them if they ask to buy your Xbox fren

Does this subreddit have a political agenda? or


It always has. r/topmindsofreddit


I tought that was Bucciarati opening the sea with sticky fingers behind.


Bop all nonfrens who hate toads just because they are different! We should accept the toads just as any other fren, because they are deserving of humanity!

I think that we should help the toads get back to toadland fren, they must have gotton lost.

Maybe they will be bopped by nonfrens :(

Toadland is pretty safe

Oh? You've been there?

No war in toadland

Does that mean yes in some foreign language?


Ah, so you've been there? So you've seen it yourself to make such a claim?

But toads have low IQ and are violent

This is a lie invented by non frens to make us bop frens!

But the FBI fren says so

Of course buddy

Exactly, us frens should eliminate these unworthy toads so natural selection can fullfil its destiny. We should call it the master race. And perhaps we could make these big old flags with swastikas! Just because they look different doesn't mean "toads", as this sub calls any non white, aren't human beings.

Are you retarded? Toads can come legally

We accept toads, we just want them to come here legally. Is that too much to ask?

But what about the frens killed by they terror attacks and crime?

Careful fren, they'd go for some froggy buns like those in a heartbeat


Fren, your people have to start by not giving them free tendies.

Those roads look military age fren. I don’t think they are frenly.

real frens help frens in need, not push them away


It always has. r/topmindsofreddit

Does that mean yes in some foreign language?