why would these nonfrens say these things about us frens? :( when will they treat us like frens :(

13  2019-06-15 by Ben101190


They are bullies fren, its just what they do because they are jealous of our tendies and frenship, they are sad people


Wow that’s A LOT of paragraphs! Must take a really top mind to be so invested in Reddit. I wonder if the top minds will ever realize that they’ve been chasing their tail this entire time. 🤔 Oh well, back to my shitposting sub

This SkynetJusticeWarrior guy is fucking obsessed, he makes ten billion fucking posts about us (one of them being the infamous essay he did on r/TuMOR). According to this guy, we are the literal rise of the Fourth Reich. How can one person be so OBSESSED

It’s sad fren :(

This SkynetJusticeWarrior guy

It's a lonely, day drinking keyboard warrior. Probably smells like cats.

He called me a white supremacist and im not even white. I told him that and he said it didnt matter. :(

I remember the piss yourself movement taken by feminist to stop rapes

What is a fwen and what is a minority? Not very frenly to draw Apu with pee pee in his pants.