Alright which one of you meanie heads stole my tendies

166  2019-06-15 by redditor-2019


I would NEVER steal a fren’s tendies. I respect the right for frens to be sole owners of their own property. In fact I will help you look for them. Is it possible that you misplaced them?


I-I may have.. all I know is I took a sip of choccy milk and when I looked back down on my plate it was gone! I think I misplaced it in my belly..

Wow fren go get more tiendies and make sure you pay attention next time!

Sorry fren they just looked so good.

Fren how could you...

I forgot my tendies at home and my tummie was becoming anger fren.

Maybe you forgot to cook them and the tendies ran away

I didnt, if i did that then noone would have been guarding the backport the Frenworld

Sorry fren, I thought the tendies were for sharing.

No! This is not a frenly way to handle this!

Must be the longnose

I’m sorry fren I needed it for the tendie cloner

Look in oven fren, maybe you forgot to take them out!