Frens i found a bad man

136  2019-06-15 by KriskyAltBisky


Oh No evidence. This will change eveerryythiinngg


The Top minds of Reddit sounds disgusting

Imagine being born with autism, and being so hated and loathed by the real world that you spend your days convinced you are the moral arbiter of the planet who's job it is to compile weeks worth of examples of people having the "wrong opinion" and crying about it on the internet to try to bring some, any, kind of meaning to your otherwise pointless empty life. Imagine for a moment actually crying and kvetching about cartoon frogs hurting your feelings.

Preach fren

Imagine calling anyone who gives critique of what you do on the internet an autist.

Imagine being provided so much evidence this is a hate sub, but still using only the “lol get a life nerd” argument.

Imagine spending time making pepe memes, because you have some ungrounded hatred for people based on something entirely out of their control.

Imagine not replying to any of the critisism or trying to eviscerate the dozens of examples, but instead calling anyone who’s opinion differs from yours a low life.

Imagine not being able to have a civil discussion about it, but just shitty namecalling.


Imagine being triggered by this post and not even replying just downvoting it because you can't argue with it 😂

Imagine being you

I cant imagine how fast I would kill myself

If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone.


Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741


I am a bot. Feedback appreciated.

Go away, nonfren bot.


Why would I have a civil discussion with someone who is so mentally deficient that they lash out embarrassingly when they discover that reality does not match their own delusional preconceived notions?

Someone who builds a bubble of false realty around themselves by silencing anyone who dissents with their programming demanding a dialog, that's rich. You're a funny guy.




Imagine not being able to have a civil discussion about it, but just shitty namecalling

The Bell Curve is correct, prove me wrong


Sounds like something a autistic would say.


Imagine being so insecure that you have to hide your racism by baby talking in subreddits on the Internet.

If you went outside and interacted with people you might actually learn something.

If you went outside and interacted with people you might actually learn something.

You mean like noticing the same patterns repeatedly? Like how whenever someone wont shut up in the movie theater, or stops in the middle of the aisle at a store to talk on there cell phone, or steals a bike, or commits 52% of crimes, or makes up 80% of herpes infection cases they have a certain something in common? You mean like that?

You do know you guys are the top minds of Reddit?


Fren y u didnt censor his name out?

Hey at least I'm famous now :)

I guess, but not the good kind


Your username is a dogwhistle change it nooooooowwww

Yup, now everyone knows you're a Nonfren.

Why do non frens say things like that bout us

It's sad to see such hate from bad people, but we must go on and keep living.

Stop complaining about topminds already. We all know topminds is small pp.



Don’t worry friend I raised them !

I’d take a good fren over top men

I don't hear any whistle fren. Maybe the nonfren hears the whistle because hes a dog?



I guess, but not the good kind


Your username is a dogwhistle change it nooooooowwww

Yup, now everyone knows you're a Nonfren.