A young fren

4370  2019-06-15 by gwease


Watch the Looney left attack this child or harshly criticise the parents.

Watch cosle think this is real. You see those crisp black lines? That ain’t a child’s drawing, those are printouts she’s coloring.

I literally glanced at it and continued on with my day

If you don't critique a child's artwork like you would Michelangelos then what are you even doing?

Passing time till the 4th rises up

You’re right I think I need to reevaluate some things 😂

Have you never heard of a black pencil?

Every seen a kid that colors that sloppily but traces that exactly?

Yes, myself

If you look at the shadows, the child is not even there. FAKE!!! Don't be fooled, frens!!

You can see the green screen in the child's hair, reflecting off a slight green light. She wasn't even there.


But somehow having your child twerk for grown men is ok

Only when they thrown money at him.

How did this get upvoted, yikes

I would call the CPS on that family, but I'm not a basement dwelling propagandized weeb nor a dyke with pink hair.

Now watch young angsty white males try to meme this away.

What were you hoping to accomplish with this comment?

He’s just showing off that he has 10 fingers smh




Weeb doesn't mean what you think it means

Already happened in comments

We accept frens of all ages and countries (not dat bitches non-frens topshitminds)


Forget about 'em fren, let's cherish frenship only.

I think topshitminds are just frens deceived by the media, they should each be given a chance as people, not taken accountable for the prominent actions of members of their groups cough cough

Frens kept slave by nonfrens? We must do something! We should organize a raid to liberate our frens!

No raids 😤

Sory fren I thought frenly raids were alowed

Nah the nonfrens want to ban us so badly that anything we do is super scrutinized. Even if it’s all frenly

They are.

But a true fren accepts everybody no matter who they are

A true fren accepts true frens. A forgiving fren accepts topshitminds

A true fren is a forgiving fren

A forgivin fren is a true fren*

Thank fren for keepin us frens safe

I believe the same, people that accept others are the real frens.

Too bad some of the mods here don't think so :(

This is a internet goldmine

A rare pepe goldmine

top wholesome!

This is real feminism frens

"uhm excuse me sweaty, but yikes, this is problematic"

And she has BLONDE HAIR. You know who else has blonde hair? ARYANS!1!1!


That family clearly needs more diversity.

Oi, you got a license for that copyright violation?

Oi mate u got a license for that license?

Oi mate got yer license license permit?

Ok matey I see what you did there, why don’t you just take your hands and place them behind your back while I put these handcuffs on. We are going to take a little ride down to the big house mate.

My Little Pepe Frenship is magic on the right there

Based and pepepilled


Surely you can't be serious.


All good fren, just checking.

No problem, just making fun of the dumb nonfrens who think theyre legitimately correct

We're up to our neck in NonFrens lately. It's odd how they hate us so much yet still spend so much time here obsessing over posts and comments.

Yeah i tried reasoning with a few of them and got banned off their sub xD

It sounds like a line, but there really is no reasoning with them. For the NonFren there is no room for differing opinion. Everything they don't like is hatespeech and everyone they disagree with is a Nazi.


ThIs Is ThE nEW fAcE oF WhItE SuPrEmAcY

I'm literally shaking rn someone stop these ray cyst not sea big guts

You guys they are not z’s

Unfrenly mainstream media >:(

That's adorable, shes so good at it too.

Raid comments in crosspost boys, nonfrens are attacking frens

Ifunny caption at the bottom lol

wait what is that buzzfeed reporter doing

what is he writing

oh god oh fuck why is he on google maps

Hold on, Buzzfeed is still relevant?

Meh take your pick of the "journals" listing then all kills the joke Huffpo, vox, etc all of them have doxxed someone at one point in time for wrong think™

Great, now you've infected her with Nazism.


It must take a lot effort to look for hate where none exists, non-fren.


Careful boys, it's retarded.

b o p


How do you guys deal with the unfrenly parts of 4chan? I could never jus gro a thikker skin dood

If you don't like the boards that you deem "unfrenly" then maybe just don't go on them? There's plenty of boards to have genuine conversation about topics you're interested in, although edgy banter persists throughout the site.

although edgy banter persists throughout the site.


Youngling frens

I don’t think she’s drawing them. It looks like the lines were already printed out and she’s just coloring them


What will the colored students think? This is highly offensive and quite honestly I think the parents should have her taken away for a little while while they are investigated for hate crimes.

Her drawing ability is actually amazing

Wow she's really talented

Make sure to teach her about the importance of 14 and 88, fren. We don't want (((them))) to teach her wrongthink.

thank you fren for the frenly silver

Wow, this little fren is very talented

What's this sub about?


alt-right fascistry concealed behind a thin veneer of toddler humour

It is troubling that I can no longer discern satire from people being serious. Honk honk.



Cartoon frogs meme.

Hey fren u're cute

Those are some super rare pepes! Please scan them!

I can't even draw that well

Super Saiyan Fren


Pepe come here and he hops and hops he makes me dizzy.

My lil Pepe

Alright, you know the rules, tits or GTFO.

i love that snek pepe, so cute

What will the colored students think? This is highly offensive and quite honestly I think the parents should have her taken away for a little while while they are investigated for hate crimes.