I know its hard to believe Fren. But -- 🐸πŸ˜₯πŸ’­πŸ‘ƒπŸ˜ˆ

273  2019-06-14 by happybillmoney


Hi Frens last comic for the week. Lets hope our Fren gets his report to Frensident. Anyway remember the non-frens want to downdoot us. So give a hoot and updoot.

Also check out the last comics if you want.

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12

Fren these comics are something else. The Frensident will put a stop to Mr. Longnose. Make Frenworld Great Again #MFGA


Part of surgery is locating a tumor and excising it without damaging the healthy tissue. If you focus on making the body great again, that is not a helpful surgical technique, you need to be like a master surgeon and focus on the area that needs removal, for the health of the body. So the world is great, there are just some neoplasms that are making it difficult for those of us who are not cancerous.

He sold your pillowfort out fren, only hope is third option now.

Tread carefully fren. Mr. Longnose has many ways to silence his enemies

The frensident is a useless nonfren and always had been. Frenler should have won the frenworld election of 2018

Pretty sure the term limits have expired. We phased into benevolent dictatorship, a pro fren society.

We almost had that fren :( if only the frensdap hadn't lost

The _r_n_s_a_e was within our grasp.

the frensident seems to like the long nose tribe more than us frens :(

And the longnose tribe seems to like the babylonians more than us frens :(

Whatever happened to realandrewjackson?

That guy is an idiot, he demanded te be a mod. The mods laughed at him

That's pretty dumb.

I voted for Honkler

Mr Frensident /u/ufoguy33 are you prepared to receive the report?

I think the term limits might have passed on him.

If you look really closely the long nose has a leash on him...

Nice book fren. It's a very good read. I can only recommend it to my fellow frens:)

I read that book fren

I need that poster!

Oh no, it's September fren. Stay home and don't go to work.

I’m confused I thought it was peepoland

Frens should read the international non fren my Henry Ford