Be active in your community, frens. Volunteer at a school, read to kids in the hospital, or tidy up a neglected grave at the local cemetery

145  2019-06-13 by SONNEN_RADICAL


Weird how the media chooses to ignore certain unfrenly behavior. Makes you wonder who they, the media, really are and what their motives are

Like that Virginia Beach shooting from a couple weeks ago. The media were oddly quiet on that one.

The transnonfen from Colorado last month

Jesus Fren Christ, I never even heard of this poor kid. Wiki article is harrowing...


Murder of Jesse Dirkhising

Jesse William Dirkhising (May 24, 1986 – September 26, 1999), also known as Jesse Yates, was an American teenager from Prairie Grove, Arkansas. He was kidnapped by two men who bound, drugged, tortured, and repeatedly raped him. He died from drugging and positional asphyxia during the ordeal.Dirkhising's death received only regional media coverage until a Washington Times article ran a story nearly a month after his death, noting the lack of national coverage in contrast to that given to the 1998 death of Matthew Shepard. The Shepard murder was approaching its first anniversary and was getting another round of national attention, coupled with updates on pending hate crime legislation.

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First I've heard of it too, though I remember the Shepherd case getting nonstop attention.

Resting place Friendship Cemetery, Springdale

oh wow, child rapist homosexuals, surely something that isnt very common. Right mist noseberg?

Less than 50% of paedos.. so it's below average ?

how would i even begin reading to kids at the hospital?

Call the hospital administration and ask how you can volunteer, or reach out to a volunteer network in your area and see if they can help get you placement.

If you wanted to be extra proactive you could get a federal background check done by your local law enforcement to show that you arent some kiddy-diddling rainbowfren.

You may have to deal with some red tape and bureaucracy, but it's worth it in the end to help out the poor, sick younglings.

Most large hospitals (in the US anyway) have staff volunteer coordinators. Check the website for someone to call.

The transnonfen from Colorado last month