i miss making sandcastle now all i can do at the beach is shoot people.

80  2019-06-13 by madviIIian


We were just boys, fren.

Bop the nonfrens in the nogger fren. They don't need big brains where they're going.

you mean noggin right?

haha my brain did a whoopsie. Yes, I mean noggin fren

No more frens wars.

Saving Private Fren

Wish the frens would understand we need to stop fighting each other to amuse the longnose family, they are mean and nasty and keep manipulating all honest frens into fighting each other.

sniff... its all because of that fren from germany, why did he attacked the other frens from neighboring countries? stop fren on fren violence

he was a half nonfren half longnose, his dad was a mr longnose, makes you think, churchills mom was a mrs longnose also, he was mentored by another mr longnose.

Don't do fight on that beach fren! You will be fighting for Mr. long nose's bank account!