Is Sulik the original fren?

46  2019-06-13 by MrWolfthorn


There were frens far before him. But hey!! I’m happy to see someone playing the classic fallouts. 2 an NV are easily the best in the series.

I almost like 1 more, which I played through first not too long before this FO2 playthrough, but you can actually play FO2 longer and I like the encounters a bit better. Very great games fren!

Who more frenly, Mr House or Caesar’s legion?

House probably. It’s been quite a while,but if I recall correctly,House doesn’t use slaves and shitty sticks as weapons. He just wants NV to become independent if memory serves me right.

He doesn’t enslave people but he did deject the people of vault 22 and made the short sight of installing wasteland gangsters to run the strip, among them being cannibals, a gang trying to gas the strip, and benny at the tops trying to become the autocrat that house wanted to be

House does want to be an autocrat to bring humanity to the stars however

Ave true Caesar!

True frenship is yes man and not killing house (can let him out of his cage tho without clubbing him), talking legate lanius down, then talking general oliver down. 100 speech is true frenship

He doesn't look very frenly to me. Kinda spooky with the bone in his nose and crazy tattoos.

He just wanna save his sister from slavers :(

Dat his grampy bones.

Never thought I'd see Fallout 2 here. Good choice fren.

Thx fren :)