It's truly a beautiful world, frens

1326  2019-06-13 by Hainsaw


Tendies round the world

I think some of those tendies will taste better than others

I prefer the white meat tendies too. Mommy says they are healthier. She also says they are less fattening, but Im not sure if thats true considering how mal-breaded the dark meat tendies come!



yeah but screw the french nonfrens lol

i hear they eat fren legs!

One on the bottom is a penis.

I guess that's why they call it "the south pole" ;)

Genuine genius fren

What the fuck is wrong with europe

this takes the cake. i know a genius when i see the work, fren.


Don't forget about us Kiwi frens! 🇳🇿

lol Bout to say that, mate

One tendie for every frenkind, just as it's meant to be :)

Where's Madagascar fren

I ate it, sorry fren

Holy maps

Fren where is southeast Asia and new Zealand? But good attempt fren! Enjoy your tendies!

A separate tendie for every race so that no one is hungry

Careful now, fren. Don't wanna give the nonfrens any solid reason to bop us.

Global warming to 450 degrees!

We will all be doomed in 10 years if the west don't increase gas taxes to even more absurd levels! Keep buying worthless junk like a good little consumer tho, we don't want our corporate overlords to lose any profit.

Share your tendie recipe fren

This post deserves gold fren, but I'm broke 😢

Iceland's missing :(

I'm sorry, was hungry fren... don't tell our fren it was me tho

It's okay, we can just cook some more :)

Looks delicious fren


I'm gonna eat the world

Help me, Frens, I don't feel like living in this world anymore :(


any frenly advice?

Eat healthy, exercise, and do what you can to get enough sleep. If all that fails, disconnect from social media.

I am healthy my Fren, I already lost 45 pounds. It's just that I have really bad social skills.

Global warming is real

Fren that tendie on the bottom looks the best fren. I need some honymos

Ok but get rid of Israel

Fren, I think you supersized Africa by accident.

you missed the UK & Ireland fren :(

I wish for world tendie.

u forgot new zeland tendie fren

r/tendies I'ma repos

every tendie has its place, a tendie home for every race

why did SEA go fren?