Frens, I think it’s almost harvest time!

423  2019-06-12 by EarthIsNotAGlobe


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for all of frenworld

Don't say that. We frens built the world. Our curse was thinking we could share it with the non-frens.

Execuse me fren, no offense intended, but are the ancient near east civilisations considered frens? I mean: Egyptians, Hittites, Phonecians, Assyrians, Mesoptamians and Persians? Becuase they also built the world.

They’ve changed fren.

But maybe they could change again and rebuild themselves, fren! They’re only nonfrens in language and culture but they still have frenly origins!

Their frenly origins have been diluted and destroyed by constant uh, mixing by non-frens, that's why you don't compromise with the non-frens

Diluted, sure. Destroyed? not really.

In Egypt for example the population at the time of the nonfren invasion was several times more than the whole population of nonfrens, so it wasnt destroyed, its still buryed deep and kept dormant by nonfren influence, but i think theres hope.

Modern Egypt is 90+% Arab. These are not the same people as before. Coptic Egpytians are the closest genetic living descendants/kin of the ancient Egpytians and they and their culture are decidedly not in control of that country or it's institutions.

How come if the native Egyptian population was never displaced like the native american population, sure thing they've mixed but again the native egyptian population is huge in comparison to the arab one, so I dont see where you get the 90+% arab.

Yes but both sources say that modern Egyptians share more DNA with sub saharan Africans, but that doesnt mean ancient Egyptians were completely displaced or bred out of existence, right?

I didn't say they were exterminated. But Egypt underwent demographic replacement to the extent that the descendants of the ancient inhabitants of Egypt number around 10% or less of the population today. Probably less since the recent attacks on Copts in that country over the last half century or so has sent a lot of them packing to Europe and North America.

If trends hold, in another couple hundred years there might not be any left in Egypt at all.

Well I agree with you on that the copts are the last true remnants of the ancient egyptians, but even then I wouldn't say the rest of native Egyptians got replaced as much as they mixed with invaders, obviously immigrations happened to egypt but even still not on the scale of say, north America and the european colonists.

Very little mixing actually took place in Egypt. When religious lines overlap with ethnic ones, different populations tend to be isolated form one another genetically. That said, it's not any better if they did mix. They'd be an entirely different people by having mixed like that.

Well then if no outright replacement occured and if very little mixing took place in Egypt, then why do the modern Egyptians differ from the ancients genetically?

Btw you seem very well read on the topic, are you historian or something? Just curious.

I just read a lot about topics that interest me ;)

I would call that an outright replacement. A 90%+ demographic shift would qualify as replacement in my book. What often happens with conquerors, they don't just massacre everybody, because then who would work the fields et cetera? What they typically do is monopolize access to the women. Remember women's fertility is scarce, men's fertility is abundant.

In most conquests like this, you'll find that the Y-DNA haplogroups (male line) and the mitochondrial DNA haplogroups (female line) will diverge around the time of conquest. This is essentially what befell the Britons when Anglo-Saxons took over. The Saxons migrated in warbands, didn't bring many women and so this taking of the native women approach was the way they went to maintain their conquest.

The difference with Egypt is that entire conqueror families, clans and tribes relocated to Egypt. They replaced the Copts in their institutions, i.e. landowners, priest class, merchants guilds et cetera. That sort of deprivation is going to lower the birthrates of the native population. But also there was some taking of the native women too. But that means that the Coptic genetics that were mixed had been essentially washed out and became a drop in the ocean of foreign genetics. For example, you yourself might not have retained a single gene belonging to your 60th great grandfather as each generation your ancestors inherited a 50/50 split of each parent until his contribution to your genome became nil or gone entirely. Much more so likely if your 60th great-grandfather has genes that were divergent from the gene pool his descendants were reproducing in, i.e. a different race or ethnicity.

Oh yeah, that whole replacement in high ranking offices makes alot of sense, I remember reading about Libyan priest and scribes replacing Egyptian ones as far back as 1000BC. Damn, so modern egyptian are genetically different from the ancient. Well atleast there are a few cultural connections. Thanks for the info, fren.

You could spend a lifetime reading about this particular corner anthropology, very interesting stuff. You're quite welcome, fren. It's fun to talk about.

Not the same people living there now as were there before.

How? There was never a large scale migration or genocide of the native Egyptian population.

That's just not true, fren. There were migrations in the years following conquest. The ancient and modern populations are genetically distinct from one another. This is true of most of the ancient civilizations we talk about as having paved the way for the modern civilization. They build something nice and alien peoples who didn't or couldn't build something nice just sort of move in one way or another and reduce everything to their level.

Non-frens are not frens. Allies are but allies. Frens are frens.

Ok, so these peoples wouldnt be considered frens. Thanks for the info fren


If you say so...

what do you mean?

Hittites were our guys. Persians too in more distant sense.

Soon fren, soon.

Wholesome pagan sun worship

There is nothing wrong with the sun. Some people think sun symbols are wrong.

The sun is awesome, it provides warmth, light and it's even a source of clean energy.

Why would somebody be against us liking the sun?

"ᛋ Sigel semannum symble biþ on hihte,

ðonne hi hine feriaþ ofer fisces beþ,

oþ hi brimhengest bringeþ to lande."

"The sun is ever a joy in the hopes of seafarers

when they journey away over the fishes' bath,

until the courser of the deep bears them to land."

Sigel! Say it loud and say it proud!

For freedom I offer my life.

For homeland I offer my soul.

nice hweatfield, fren!

hold up just a minute there buster

What a beautiful sunrise :)

Black hole sun

Harvesting some fresh memes my fren

Fine lookin’ huwheat you got there fren!


Careful fren

Tone it down fren, they are watching

Thank you Fren, very cool!

the elongated breathing organ havers are watching fren, be cautious

That's beautiful, fren 💖

Enjoy your marijuana, fren. It will be a phat harvest.

its almoat harvesting season , my frend


Do you have this image minus the pepe, fren?

y'all ain't even tryin' anymore lol



Only thing you're gonna bop is your employability, if you ever leave your house with this shit.

True.. that’s why we are secretive

they've gone full mask off



There’s a gross mark in the center of your camera fren, I suggest wiping it off.

mmmmm try again - you need to be more subtle with your cryptofascism, putting the black sun in there is a little on the nose.

"WeR'e ToTaLlY nOt WaCiSt"

"FrEnWuRlD iZ a WhOlEsUm SuB"

Literally posts a picture with a clear as fucking day black sun symbol on it, followed by hundreds of upvotes. Hope it was worth losing any chance of being employed, ever.

Dont be mad, be glad


But maybe they could change again and rebuild themselves, fren! They’re only nonfrens in language and culture but they still have frenly origins!