I have lost ten pounds frens. 20 to go. I will never give up.

765  2019-06-12 by thiccthanos84


Good job fren! I just lost 16lbs in a week by changing my diet!

Make sure you’re drinking water fren and getting a little bit of extra salt for retension, that’s a lot of weight for just one week!

I drinking 2 liters a day fren! and been eating lots of salt on my chicken tendies thank you fren!

Good stuff fren, we are proud of you!

Good shit fren! I lost 14 pounds by only cutting pop out of my diet completely.

Yes fren! You’ve probably heard a lot, but these are a few little things I did that helped me lose weight (lost 47 lbs since fall 2017). It’s all about simple, daily changes. Doesn’t have to be an entire lifestyle switch.

-When you have the choice, grilled chicken instead of fried! Try to add veggies and fruits into your diet to substitute chips or fries here and there.

-Try to cut sodas! I know it can be hard and I still bend here and there to the whims of a coke, but cutting soda and not having it more than 2/3 times a month has made a huge difference for me, in my skin as well. I like to have a tumbler or two that are really nice that I always keep filled with cold water no matter where I go.

-Get up and around. You don’t necessarily need to do vigorous exercise—just more than you do now. Walk more often, do a handful of pushups/sit-ups the next time you have an ad on TV.

-Sleep. You will never lose weight if you don’t get enough sleep. Your body has to rest and restore to get healthy.

-Eat! Don’t try to skip meals or eat too little. Your body needs plenty of food. Eat until you’re full, just eat at a moderate pace and make sure what you eat is good for you. Also, snacks throughout the day are a big help. Granola bars are my hero.

Edit: one I forgot—keep snacks in your car (granola bars or crackers or something that won’t go bad being in a car) so you have something in case you’re hungry going to/from work. Anything to keep you from getting fast food on an impulse.

Good luck on your journey fren, keep us updated!

Eatin a grilled chicken breast right now

Keep up the good work, fren!

Good job fren. We’re all going to make it frens!

Good luck fren!

Congrats fren!

Yay fren!!

I'll give you a tip I heard from a physical trainer. If you want to lose fat quickly, focus on sprinting. It makes you loose a lot more fat than running long distances.

no you shouldn't be running for training at all. Go biking or swimming instead, running really fucks up your knees (even if you are normal weight).

Congrats fren! I'm so proud of you. Let's have some healthy tendies to celebrate! And never give up!!!

I'm loving it fren, keep up the good work! You're an inspiration to all of us here :)

Keep going fren! We know you can do it!

U got this fren!

Way to go fren!!!! Make sure to lay off the trendies for a while

never trendies to gud fren

Ya'll looking good.

But what happens if you have no weight left, will you lose other fren's weight as well?

The weight will go negative and fren start to fly

Keep losing the weight and then gain some back... in muscle mass! Tendies are a good source of supplementary protein! Keep up the progress fren, we are proud of you!

Never give up! Never surrender!

Well done fren, keep going

We're all gonna make it, fren.

Get it fren!

Amazing, fren!

make sure you dont pick up old destructive habits after reaching your goal weight fren

Kid goku fren?

You look like Kung Fu Master, the video arcade game from 1985.

Very good stuff, fren.

Gud job fren!

good job fren! keep it up :)

Good job fren! Gonna be a monster soon!!!!!!! Rawr!

Diet alone is not enough fren! Remember to excercise too! Getting fitter is more important than just losing weight!


Nice frens !

I stopped drinking soda with my tendies and I lost 20 pounds in a month! Sometimes the smallest change can make a huge difference!

Good going fren, I'm a fatty but I've lost 40 pounds this year. Aiming at another 40.

Let's be healthy frens together.

YAY, we are going to have very strong frens everywhere, we will not lose.

Eat all your tendies, they turn into muscle.


I'm trying to regain the 20 lbs I lost to get back to 180, but it's hard fren. Horwever I'm back to benching 225 the same as I had when I was 180 so that's good.