Frens... the meanies are cherry picking and are saying that all of us can be represented by 5 posts

46  2019-06-12 by Sad-Shrimp


Don't worry, fren. They're just sad and jealous that they don't have any frens, so they have to tear us down to feel better.

I mean... if you're not calling out the ones who are making those abhorant statements, isnt that basically condoning their actions with your silence?

No. Some people just want to scroll and not patrol everyone like you guys do.

If you just want to scroll, why are some of the more politically charged/offensive ones the memes with the higher upvotes?

Hell if I know. Hell some of these are made troll because people call this a hate sub. I can't speak for everyone.

All I'm saying, is if someone clicks on this sub, and most of the memes they see are either politically charged, or intentionally hateful, how can you call that cherry picking?

Because it's not a majority. There's also ridiculously basic memes. And not every political post is promoting discrimination.

So you're telling me, unequivocally, that the posts on this subreddit have no subtext supporting generalizations against people, and they're just simple memes with frogs in them. And I'm supposed to believe you when you say that?

Not all of them mate. Some do. I've seen it and Downvoted that stuff. Some like the ones saying they graduated high school are just frenly.

Oh very fair. And I enjoyed this sub back when it was just those memes. But I unsubbed, because I cant support a platform that gives malignant ideas a place to fester. Soapboxing? Absoluetly, but idk. It just doesn't feel right to me.




No they are just edgy memes not a horrible crime get real

You can definetly be edgy without being a POS

The edgy comics are bad, I do not condone them, and the burden of proof would be on you to prove that silence equals condolence.



Don't worry fren. Many frens in past have gone through similar circumstances. Just know whatever happens many, many frens are always ready to bop against the meanies.



You act like any of those things are bad. Get out nonfren

It’s a strange world fren. Full of unfrenly people who don’t like us frens. It’s hard to understand.



Uh oh

It's ok, Fren. They just are jealous of us frens.

shakespeare said there are only four stories to tell, so i wonder what the meanies meant by the fifth.

50 posts

links an album of 49 pictures, almost all of which being comments




You mad?

Silly you, we can't have any nonfrenly confrontation in here. Look at the silly frogs, btw despite making up 13% of the population woops how did that get in here anyway back to looking at le funny frog pictures

So what's the 13/50 represent then you not see?



Silly you, we can't have any nonfrenly confrontation in here. Look at the silly frogs, btw despite making up 13% of the population woops how did that get in here anyway back to looking at le funny frog pictures

50 posts

links an album of 49 pictures, almost all of which being comments

You mad?