Frens I don't living in Castle Longnose and they say I can't leave, ever. 🐸😥

687  2019-06-12 by happybillmoney


Longnoses are scary with their claws. I hope the frens can win against the longnoses, but it doesn't look like it's going to be frenly.

I wonder what’s going on happen to the fren that got away

Hi Frens new comic today. And also hi non-frens... before you start crying 6 candles. Anyway remember the non-frens want to downdoot us. So give a hoot and updoot.

Also check out the last comics if you want.

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10

Non frens are just mad that they can't come up with comics as frenly as ours :)


What do the Longnoses have planned now?

You will find out soon enough 😓

Does it have to do with the 2 identical skyscrapers from yesterday’s comic?

Oh no, fren

Frenworld is a better place with no invaders

Stay safe fren

it's a good thing that frenworld is at least 1,442,088 miles away. Warn our frens so they may escape and be free!

Who’s going to stop Mr. Longnose? The suspense is killing me, fren.


Frenolf Fritler

No Fren. He is said to have self boped or was boped in Fren War 2. No fren is sure how he got boped exactly but no Fren has seen him since. Fren War 2 history is complicated. Hope that clears everything up.

This is a very sophisticated comic.

Mr. Longnose doesn't want any frens living on the land, he wants them all brainwashed into thinking they live in corporations (like DETROIT MICHIGAN) controlled by Mr. Longnose and his cousins.


At least the throne isn't made of 6000 melted rings this time.. I'd like to see the candelabras melt though..

Fren, there's no escape. End your life so you can be free fren. Save yourself

Frens shouldn't bop themselves. Longnose problems won't last 4ever fren.

Fren, if want to make an omlette...

You have to bop eggs to make an omelette, not frens.

Fren, it's not over we just need to ban non fren immigration and increase fren birthrates

Fren, it's over. The ban isn't happening and grrlfrens are almost non-existent.

Oh no!!! What will the frens do?? Will the frens believe the fren who came to warn them??? I must know!


Is this like Yellow Submarine?
