Frens are we actually a white nationalist sub? I just joined because I thought the frogs were funny and I liked how nice everyone is but is there some underlying dark message to the sub? (Pic unrelated)

0  2019-06-12 by z2sty



No way fren! Every fren is equal here! But people think that because we are frog bois and we like Pepe, that we are just like people who hate others. The media is silly, and full of clowns. Don’t let them make your feels bad, fren! We’re all here to support each other.

bruh moment

Clearly is green

some frens like skirting the borders of the acceptable at times, but that's only for provoking thought in top minds of reddit.

Eh, you get all types whenever you post the frog, because the frog stands for... well, whatever you want it to. You'll understand in time, fren.