Just replying to a non political post on r/honkler got me banned from r/FuckTheAltright. They were mean so I decided to play video games instead of looking at Reddit. I made some new frens in the game. Feeling much better now. Thanks frens.

7  2019-06-12 by feinsteins_driver


Ooo I like that game fren. Lots of people don’t like it because of micro transactions, and story but the online multiplayer is just so addictive.

I just picked it up this past weekend. It’s now under $30. I had to adjust the settings in the game and on my tv for the graphics to look right. I still think Battlefield I looked better but it’s addictive nonetheless. The micro transactions are ridiculous. EA is trying to make up from poor initial sales. They did some unfrenly stuff. I’m looking forward to the Iwo Jima additions. Send me a pm, I’m looking for frens to join in on a squad.

What do you play on?


Oof I got a Xbox sorry fren.

What game is it fren?

Battlefield V

Frenly looking bopsquad you got there.

Thanks fren! That’s Hans on the right. He got a gas mask from his last job. He used to work in a camp. I guess he handled dangerous chemicals or something.

Thanks fren! That’s Hans on the right. He got a gas mask from his last job. He used to work in a camp. I guess he handled dangerous chemicals or something.