Henlo frens it is my birthday today

148  2019-06-11 by jbabcock02


Happy birthday fren.

Hope it's a good one fren

That's great fren, but remember, you have more unbirthdays than birthdays, so in some sense it's the unbirthdays that are better!

You deserve all the happiness in the world fren, I know you're told this plenty of times and this may sound forced but I'm going to say it. You're loved and appreciated for eternity and beyond, your hard work and dedication is awe inspiring and you're truly an amazing fren even if we've never talked. Here's to another great year, happy birthday fren. πŸΈπŸ‘‰β€

Happy birthday buddy

Happy birthday fren!


Habby Birthday, Fren!

Oh happy birf day fren πŸ€—πŸ€—

Happy birthday fren! I brought you some tendies



Happy birthday