Encountered a group of nonfrens throwing around some young girls and dragging them by the hair in the middle of the street yesterday, on the way home from the construction site I work at. Maybe they're those evil not sees everyone's talking about? I couldn't understand what they were shouting tho...

252  2019-06-11 by LabanTheVile


Careful now Swedish fren, start asking too many questions about non-frens and you’ll get bopped

Hmm... Maybe you're right fren. I just have this weird feeling that something isn't quite right...

This is the new normal, forget how things were in the past

Honk honk

Sweden bad

EVERYTHING IS FINE. Now get excited for next product.

But products only bring temporary happiness, fren. I just want to see my fellow countryfrens be happy and safe, like our government keeps on promising, but things just seem to get worse for some reason...

It's okay, fren. Next product can be made marginally cheaper, all you need to offer in exchange is just a little bit of your society's livability and heritage.

You know a civilization is in decline when they start clinging to their heritage for lack of a present or future. Europe's golden age has sadly passed and we're slowly swirling towards irrelevancy. Soon, the world will see Europe like we see Greece now: brilliant past contributions, but couldn't keep up with the rest of the world and were left behind.

I, for one, welcome our chinese and indians overlords. And invite you all to do the same.

Yeah nothing speaks to the heights of a civilization than when it loses the will to defend it's borders and allow it's territory to become the flophouse of every indigent foreign tribe on the planet. That's a civilization at it's zenith alright.

But now I'm hungry, fren.

That's just you getting excited for next food product.

Bop the nonfrens that don't a


I highly doubt anything will be written about it, fren. Things like these are quite common in that area.

Yeah... Don't do that . You have an excuse for not having any source and "things like that are common". How is that not just hatemongering

hat mongering against what fren?

Lol, took 2 tries to get a source from you

doesn't make it any less true.

you asked for a source on a specific instance of an extremely common event

You're a monster.



This woman, who was she? Fren or non-fren with strange words?

Fuck yourself.

Had to use translate to read article. If you check crime graphs, start at 1990. They changed how they measured crime that year, shifted numbers. It’s bad fren.


Nonfrens are whining about lack of source, but I don't really know how to source something I saw with my own eyes. I will however share these six shootings that happened that very same monday, just for some credibility:







(First source is Aftonbladet, one of the more common news agencies over here, describing itself as an "independent social-democratic newspaper". The others are official police statements.)

And for those of you that live in places where things like these are more common, you have to remember that this used to be VERY rare over here. Sure, we had some serious crimes being committed every once in a while, but things have rapidly deteriorated over the last few decades. Unfortunately this country isn't what it used to be.

Stay safe, frens!


What a clownworld we live in that I know what Malmo is and why to avoid it. Stay safe fren of the north.

Wait, so someone was shot in Sweden? What does that have to do with anything?


Fin globalist-tavla du har :)

Ja det ska ju egentligen föreställa ett fönster, men man kan nog hitta några meningar bakom att tolka den som en tavla också :)

Nämen hejsan

According to official statistics, 27.0% of rapes have been committed by foreigners in Finland, who comprise 2.2% of population. I wonder what the problem is...

It seems like one part of the population is much more unfrenly than the rest. I also really wonder what the reason for that could be?


On second thought, maybe I shouldn't think so much about it. I don't want to get arrested for wrongthink or being unfrenly to the nonfrens. It would look bad on my record...

The problem is that finland is dying/getting older and population is shrinking

Firstly, the statistic is 25% of rapes are by foreign nationals, which are 5% of the population.


I like how you don't even state who the foreigners are or their demographics. Looking at https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Finland

We can see the highest up country is Russia, with the largest muslim majority country being Iraq at 5th highest (though the immigration rate from Iraq has jumped up higher than that other countries since 2005). Not enough to say anything conclusive.

Well look at that. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey way ahead of anyone else in terms of perpetrators. Now what do those 4 countries have in common in terms of demographics? They are not sending frens, you can be sure of that.

"Sending" implies deliberate action

Swedes being at the same rate as Somalians couldn't possibly be because of how Sweden dishes out citizenship like free candy to basically anyone able to get here, without any consideration about their past? These new "swedes" (a large percentage of them Somalians ironically) then move freely to other European countries, committing crimes etc. as they please.

Norway has even been talking about restricting movement across their borders from Sweden because of our extremely generous uncontrolled immigration. Our foolishly irresponsible policies have made us a danger not only to ourselves, but also our neighbors...

That's a strawman representation of what the police report said. The police report stated it represented demographics by foreign nationals. A Somalian immigrant who gains Swedish citizenship will still be a Somalian foreign national, and therefore will be put on the police report as a Somalian foreign national. I don't know what you thought the Somalian category was referring to if it wasn't that.

To apply for citizenship in Sweden ( https://www.migrationsverket.se/English/Private-individuals/Becoming-a-Swedish-citizen/Citizenship-for-adults.html ) one requires a 5-year residence and good conduct. If Muslim non-citizen immigrants are conducting themselves poorly, acting like thugs or whatever you might accuse them of (certainly there are some by the police demographic reports, but definitely not all) then they would not be granted citizenship.

Do you have any data on the rate of Somalian foreign national emigration from Sweden? I'd like to know.

Why didnt you help them, fren?

Well we kind of did. We told them to stop, but they just started screaming back at us, and there were several of them and only two of us, so it wasn't really a very good idea to start throwing punches. But then we threatened to call the cops, and only then did they stop and quickly scurry away.

You’re braver than most. Proud of you

Thank you fren

Vänta nu en jävla sekund såg du det här på riktigt?!

Ja, i Husby.


I truly wonder how Sweden frens aren't losing their collective shit over there. Maybe US media doesn't cover it?

Well, most of them are very docile. They generally don't react until it is in their face and affects them personally, and these things mostly just happen in the major cities where most of the "diversity" is concentrated. As long as they can keep up their bubble that the state schools and media propaganda have painted for them, and are able to keep on buying stuff to support their lifestyles, they will generally not think very much about what is actually going on around them and just go with the flow.

We have however seen a steady shift to the right as more and more people break that bubble, but it's a very slow process. People are also starting to react to the constant tax hikes that are needed to support the more and more overburdened welfare system through this. The housing market is also absolutely insane, and several municipalities have started prioritizing immigrants over natives in apartment queues.

Yeah... Don't do that . You have an excuse for not having any source and "things like that are common". How is that not just hatemongering

This woman, who was she? Fren or non-fren with strange words?