The theme of Moral Relativism can explain a lot of the degenerate behaviours we see happening all around us, including dehumanization, apathy, and encouragement of irresponsibility disguised as “hip and cool, progressive morals”.

6  2019-06-11 by swedishousemfia

How has moral relativism affected you or your relationships? Do you understand why moral relativistic stances can be harmful, and why? How does this affect men? How does this affect women?


This some deep shit right there fren

Hasn’t affected much lmao

What is Moral Relativism fren?

Please view this video which I find to explain it better than I can at this moment:

In the simplest terms, it's the idea that there is no absolute moral right or wrong. The only thing that makes you right or wrong is how other people see your actions.

Example: if no one cares that you murdered someone, then that murder wasn't wrong.

More pertinent example: if you can convince society that it's okay to inject children with disfiguring sex change hormones, then it's morally acceptable to do so.


I fucking hate it fren, its alot more prevalent now and i dont like it

hatred for this is justified!

uh ok then


Woh fren. Wrong sub. Try again with a shorter title and a proper frog.

sorry Kim Honk II