I'm back Frens! I was bopped for a few days for saying bad words to a nonfren who was bullying a Fren. I've missed you all!

145  2019-06-10 by HonkLoudandProud


Welcome back fren. You did the right thing. I'm proud of you

Thank you, fren. I'll never regret standing up for my frens.

Frens help eachother all the time. They hate us cus they ain't us fren.

Welcome home. Your tendies are on the kitchen table and I made you some special good boy juice.

Make nonfren love you, don't hate nonfrens

Welcome back fren!

Thank you, Fren!

Just returned from a bop from trying to calculate how many clowns can fit in an oven. Sometimes you just need to keep mean things to yourself.

I have no idea what you're talking about, fren.

Me neither

They bopped me despite never breaking an Reddit rules

Me too fren... I just got back a few hours ago. I got a 3 day bop. Some non fren said I was harassing them. The funny thing is I only sent them one message. How is tat harassment? Isn’t the definition of harassment something to do with multiple offenses?

You can see what I said in my post history. 4 days or so ago. I've never sent a PM to any nonfrens so it has to be that.

I only found the part where you say you play six hours of video games per day lol

Lol, maybe the comment isn't available to anyone else. My alt can't see it either. It was nothing too crazy. On the pinned thread about the chapo thread I asked about where the kid got the hoodie from, said I ordered one and a nonfren got angry, he asked for a picture of me and I politely told them I didn't want him and his friends touching themselves to me. Very polite, honest.

Fren, you should try to reduce your game time. So much dopamine isn't good for you. If you don't have anything else to do, try to get into a low/zero cost hobby. Puzzles and programming make you smarter, and cost almost nothing.

I appreciate your sentiment, fren but I promise you I look after myself. That post was originally a joke about the entire concept of gaming disorder. I use to play up to 16 hours a day when playing video games was my "Job" but I'm in much more healthy place now.

Thank you, Fren.

Welcome home, fren! Best of wishes to you and all the other frens in this thread and Frenworld who have been bopped.

I missed you too fren


Wait a minute fren, there's some honks in you name, any thinking happenin round here?

I surely don't know what you're talking about, fren. Maybe you are a not see and can't read my name very well.

Nothing but love and frenship here.

Well okay then fren. Have a good day.