Frens today at E3 (The Electronic Entertainment Expo) brand new game DOO* was shown!! (Sorry frens my mom doesn’t let me write these bad words). They said that they will let you kill demons in this game!! So excited. What you think frens?

641  2019-06-10 by victimize_9


I can't think of a more fun Christian game!

Should be killing longnose and his bands of nonfrens

We are all excited fren.Doo is eternal after all.

I love to rip and tear, fren

Kill is a bad word fren, I hope you don't get grunded.

I don’t know if I'll be allowed to play it, but the cover art is maybe the best I’ve ever seen.

I am very excited for doop eternal but I think the new HUD they showed off is uglier than the one they had last year, and the way DoopGuy grunts everytime he gets hurt is annoying

Fren, i think by demons, you meant r/topmindsofreddit users!

Suspicious, are you fren?

Ooooh, a fellow D̶O̶O̶M̶. I mean DOO* fren

Those demons look frenly

Bethesda is a nonfrenly company.

That’s true. But Id is a very frenly company