Hello frens im back from being banned by ummmm..., someone who works for Mr. Longnose. How are the tendies today?

38  2019-06-10 by istoleyoemailreddit


Don’t be sad fren you’re back with us. The tendies are warm, have some.

Thank fren.

The tendies are great! Freshly made in the oven fren, but dont tell Longnose!

(1) Where is Longnose? Where is Longnose? (2) Here I am. Here I am. (3) Merry, Merry Tendday! Merry, Merry Tendday! (4) Ho, Ho, Ho! Ho, Ho, Ho!

Glad you back fren


There seem to be a lot of frens being banned lately. Is everyone being banned from Frenworld or Nonfrennit as a whole? I think there are a few nonfrens in power.