After getting dumped by my dream girl 5 months ago I finally am starting to get better and I have decided I am going to ask out my best friend on a date tomorrow!!!! Wish me luck my frens!!

242  2019-06-10 by DominiFettucini


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 for courage!

One step for OP, one leap for r/frenworld!

Thanks fren

Good luck fren

Good luck fren

Good luck, fren.

I remember when I did that years ago, it led to a very happy three years!

Good luck fren

Good luck. Best ladyfrens can be the best girlfrens.

Buy her tendies and she will be powerless to resist you

Thanks fren that's a good idea

If all else fails go mgtow fren

Frens don't let frens succumb to defeatism


MGTOW isn’t defeatism. It’s simply men going their own way to further improve themselves and live life to the fullest without the commitment to a woman, which; lets be real here. A lot of women will only pull you down unless you find that 0.1% woman.

MGTOW is great and makes sense until you find the one to settle down with. After that it should FFGTOW (frens and family going their own way).

And MGTOW really helps in finding out who’s worth settling down with. You’re no longer desperate to get together with the first girl who gives you the time of day.

Good Luck fren

Good luck fren!!

I have decided I am going to ask out my best friend on a date tomorrow!!!!

Fren, if she says no because your best frens, don't let it ruin the frenship, because that's what she doesn want to happen. Hope she says yes tho

best of luck!

Gimme that update fren

Not gonna lie fren, I did the same 2 years ago,she rejected me. Absolutely devastated, but am getting better now. I wish you the best fren,truly

Best of luck my man

Please make an Update... we are praying for you Fren

Make sure to update us fren, we believe in you!