Wanna see my ban collection frens?

135  2019-06-10 by Not_See_Frog


Yes fren! I will show you mine too! I am an avid collector.

Ah, a fren of culture! I collect as well. Some of my bans are vintage. Want to look? :)

For sure fren, what bans you got :)

Thanks fren! For starters, there’s r/FragileWhiteRedditor. I was banned during the 2018 Banout. N8thegr8 also personally banned me from his page, which is truly an honor!

Oh nice one fren. I got banned twice on r/Socialism for calling out the mods.

Post bans

Yes fren we can show our collection together

Imgur album fren?

It’s like hunting heads

Frens, why do I never get banned? It seems like everyone in this sub gets banned from somewhere from posting here but nobody ever bans me

Depends what subs you go to fren.

Post anything on r/dankmemes and you should get a ban fren.

what is your rarest pepe ban card?

I have the best bans. I was banned from askreddit, communism, socialism, politics, invasivespecies, whitepeopletwitter, science...

Many bans.

I have a few of those. I just collected r/me_irl

how does one manage to get banned from meirl

Something about trannies