Stop watching porn, frens

1525  2019-06-10 by Ebola_Spreader


Clean yur room frens.

I cleaned my penis fren. I still don't look like in the picture tho 🙃

Keep cleaning it, fren. Sometimes I clean mine with olive oil. Feels very frenly

Jordan Petersfren!


Cleanse thine peen

Thanks fren, I'll do that now

I can't I'm addicted fren

Fren, you need to switch hands so you don’t become lopsided fren

Fren, I only have a left arm :(

Be sure to switch hand position then, get ur bicep and tricep workout then fren

Thanks for the tips fren

frenworld gibs jacking advice, 10/10 frenliness

Fren, lose your left arm also and call for mom

Oo never thought about that. Thanks fren.

Be gone tradthot.


Is your name qualitatively ordered fren?

But Fren with out Corn how do I make shepards pie?

Okay fren.

But what if I'm a pornstar and also a fren?

Just make it, don’t watch it fren

I would have to watch it to make sure its good though

No fren that’s not how sex works

I've never been in the porn industry so I dont know how they work

Try frender fren

But I'm blind fren

The longnose invented it to keep frens distracted from the world. Remember to stay frenly.

Porn bad frens. Will make you much less happy with ur life. Stay happy frens.

U know what fren. Ill stop. I need to stop.

Thanks fren

It’s good fren. I stopped last week and even though I relapsed yesterday, I definitely felt happier a few days after stopping. Keep in mind that relapse is part of the process so don’t get discouraged

Every time you fail at quitting, it makes actually quitting that much easier. Its like a muscle you have to build up. Relapsing is normal, what matters is that you never give up on trying to quit.

thx for this, been struggling on relapses for a year and this helps morale

I've been in the same boat. Temptation is always right around the corner and it is genuinely hard to stay on track. If it were easy, everyone would do it. The important thing is to get back up and try again. This will sound corny, but winners arent those who never fail, they are those who never quit.

really good point yeah. important too to remember that suffering is needed to become better, thats how im keeping afloat

Definitely. We learn more through our failures than we do through our successes. If you ever need to chat, hit me up, I'll be glad to listen and offer a helping hand.

will do man, appreciate that a lot.


Man must suffer when being remade, for we are both the sculptor and the marble.

Thats the first step fren. When you get the urge, just say no. Because then you legally can't because it would be rape.

Wow fren, Thats my new powermove

frens, I hav good proof of what this fren is saying is true


I unfollowed all the porn groups on here a few days ago, and it honestly felt good.



I want to breed her and make many green tadpoles.



Too late fren I get on the internet = pp goes up

Can’t explain it

Internet gives pp a hard

Is this the Chad right fren?

What's on your wrists french

Wrist wraps for lifting

But my Doctor Schlomo Rosengoldbergstein said that it's good for me! He also told me to drink lots of soy and that exercise and meat are bad for me.


lookin fit fren....ladoies love those veins!


This post needs to get as much karma as the girl fren post. Let's make it so frens.

Segata Frenshiro?

Diggin' that t-shirt, fren! Don't watch that unfrenly trash, go to the gym instead, you meet nice laydeeezzz, you get squat booty, be happier.

I am on the road to Ubermensch as well fren :)

What does it say?

If you're talking about the shirt...

"Don't come near my friend, fucking lolicon"

That’s wonderful.

This fren has nice body!

made a pact not to anymore fren, already a week in and feel great

You’re right fren: hentai is much better.

Thats crazy fren you ever try dmt

How do I stop ferns? :(

Just walk away from the screen like frenna close your eyes.

Go cold turkey. Your brain needs to learn how to function without the constant stimulation. Maybe find other ways of getting those dopamine surges, like exercise.


I’m trying my best to quit fren

Where do ya get that shirt fren

Ur hot fren

Wow, great job fren you look fripped (no homo).

How does one get a shirt like that, fren?

Tren fren


Was it chest day fren?

Do u have a grillfren, fren?

Why does your hand at your side look photoshopped

Without porn no one would ever aspire to have a body like this.

Lol this subreddit is just store brand /pol/. If you think not jacking off is gonna give you superpowers go ahead but at the end of the day you're still roleplaying here



It doesn't take a genius to realise that overstimulation makes you retarded. Nearly all addictions fuck with your pleasure hormones, be it porn, drugs, masturbating or drinking; and it's a fact that your brain grows resistances when you overstimulate. That's why you have fags jacking it 5 times a day, because their body is asking for more. At the end of the day, you melted your brain and completely destroyed what is basically your happiness for... nothing.

No shit jacking off 5+ times a day is bad. That's addiction and I'm not disagreeing with you - it's what /r/NoFap is for. But for the average person who isn't addicted Nofap is a placebo.

Placebos are valuable tools when trying to expand your mind/body.

Nice bait retard

/pol/ written in baby talk.

No amount of porn could be as bad for you as this dumb shit

bippity boppity get off my property

god damnit that made me laugh, good one fren!

Poor nonfrens sad that we have fun here

lmao get bopped nonfren

Based janny.

*scarfs down another 8 pack of hot pockets*


Started nofap today fren


Hes wearing a weeb shirt so its definetly a virgin.

Porn good fren! It's about moderation. Gotta balance the porn and the tendies and know the porn not real

Thank you fren. You look strong.

What was that? Couldnt hear you over the sound of my porn

Fren how do you motivate yourself to workout more than one day?

Those wristbands look extremely unfrenly and gay

fren your hips look very wide, youre not skipping leg day are you?


It’s not even OP, just an image he stole from lol

hello, tru frens. Please listen to op. find your fair maiden fren.

Can't my mans! When I start looking at escorts I need a way to save dat monies and thats the best way! Just do not be all addicted to that pocket pool! Its just god so damned effective!

You don’t have to completely stop watching it, but definitely pace yourself like with any other pleasure, frens.

Should i do it frens?

Hey fren where do I get a shirt like that?

Anyone have a link for the shirt?

What's your bench bro?

I love your shirt, fren! I wish I had a shirt as frenly as yours!

I love you both

Can you imagine: 1). buying that shirt because you post on the fren reddit 2). wearing a fren reddit shirt to the gym 3). taking a pic and posting it on the fren reddit.

You have to be a giant loser lol. Just one of the above makes you a loser and you did all three.

Where can i cop that shirt

Well head to r/nofap they'll help you out frens.

Based and fren pilled


Getting pretty vascular bro nice

Pls where can i get that shirt frens?

hi fren where does one buy this amazing shirt.

mirin those Gains bro (no homo)

Where’d you get the shirt?

Nice shirt fren, where'd you get it?

Where I can get that shirt fren

I imagine a lot of non frens laugh at you for wearing that!

Oh you frens are anti-porn?

Wow omg when will this anti-semitism stop???

Where do we get the shirt fren?

Fren, you need to switch hands so you don’t become lopsided fren

Is your name qualitatively ordered fren?