IT'S TIME TO FIGHT BACK! (she is ok hammer is made from rubber)

2928  2019-06-09 by bibossw


It isn't violence, the title even says the hammer is made from rubber.

nonfrens should learn to read, they are very silly

Such fucking soy

I'm going to ban you for three days for being dumb.


Bip Bop Bippity Bop!


Makes it more fun taking your time.


"freners rise up"

Sponsored by weed gang.

Bop Boys are in Buisnes

Uh, fren? Are you sure that’s a rubber hammer?

Revolt against modern e-girls

I'm with you on that, fren

BOP'em All!


Searchin’ bop and destroy

Bop the thots.

I hope that the hammer isn't rubber fren

Why fren? I don't like real violence.

Especially against other frens :(

That's not a real fren, fren

Fren, she not a fren

Don’t hit the poor girl fren!

It is rubber do not worry fren!

Always use rubber, fren!

Solid advice when hitting people with hammers and in other aspects of your life

Wrong. Frens need to stop using rubbers with their fiancee's and wives. I see good young men using rubbers far too often.

Frens need to stop using rubbers with their fiancee's

REAL frens won't need to use the rubber until after marriage. Do things right or don't do them at all. non-celibate frens are somewhat degens tbh.

Don’t call frens degens fren >:(

If pre-marital sex wasn't degen then Allah wouldn't have advised against it.

Better to use rubber than to bop the unborn fren in the belly

I see good young men using rubbers far too often.

Um... fren, are you watching people do the dirty?

I’ll keep that in mind fren!

I've been told milkshakes are much much frenlier.

Nonfren spotted, you get the BOP

I knew this wasn't a queerspace!! I've been lied to fren...

No they're not

Be careful rubber can be very hard fren



Begone thot

It's time to bop like we've never bopped before!

Bop the nonfrens! Fren war now!

What did this non fren do?

Going to war against the weebs?

You have my rubber Warhammer fren. It's time for a crusade!

But we weebs are frens too

We are all frens!

Wars can be frenly as long as were all having fun fren

Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪 Shut the fuck up weebs 👉 🚪

Weeb hate frens weirdchamp

Warhammer? Crusade? You called?

please i want no war

A frenly subreddit war would be fun

Fren what is this implying



Fren just check like 2 comments above ya

Oh ok

Payback for this:

r/outoftheloop or did nothing really happen


Where was this originally posted? They must not like frens very much.

It hurts frens :(( Why...?

Nightmare fuel

Now I'm sad.

Don’t boop a potential fren. I’ll give u tendies

Fren, I now know. BOP!

What anime is the girl from my fren

This is still wrong fren :(

Hard rubber or soft rubber?

Fren, rubber hammers still hurt, a lot. BOP.

Rubber is very important when hammering girls fren!

S(he) br(ok)en frens :(

you look shiney, frend.

Why she cry if its rubber fren

Bop bop bop bop bop bop


That's mean fren

She really sorry and won't do it again! You can stop now.


Do you have a link to download it fren?


Does the hammer sqeek when it hit her head fren?

Frens, i joined frenworld because the frenly frog is cute, and i like having frenly frens, but it's brought to my attention that frenworld is secretly an unfrenly hate group.

I didn't pay attention because the posts i see have been frenly and nice, but the amount of upvotes on this unfrenly post makes me think this world isn't as frenly as i thought. 😔

Concern trolling isn't very Frenly either.

I'm not concern trolling, I'm genuinely wondering if I'm a part of a hate group that pretends to be frenly, and I don't realize it.

We post frogs my dude. No hate here.

I saw a lot of people from alt right and the donald. Seems like unfrenly frogs tbh.

Don't let people ruin things for you.

After your comment, i went to the profiles of around 20-30 posts on r/frenworld... They're the same posters from r/the_donald. Aaaah I've been duped into thinking this group was frenly when it has non frenly people and non frenly intentions!!

30 out of nearly 60k that seems like a reasonable conclusion

🔨 NaM

WeebsOut GachiBass


Where was this originally posted? They must not like frens very much.

It hurts frens :(( Why...?

Nightmare fuel

Now I'm sad.

We post frogs my dude. No hate here.

30 out of nearly 60k that seems like a reasonable conclusion