open for a surprise frens :)

0  2019-06-09 by Kilroy_Was_Here28

you’re all incels



That’s not very frenly

You are a 15 year old according to your profile? You have already had sex? Child, that is statutory rape. You were raped.

I never said I wasn’t an incel. I said you were.

That nonfren should call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.

15 year old


do you even know what that word means lol

Involuntarily celibate

that’s not what we are


I fucked your dad

Can nonfrens come up with a better insult? Incel is so last year

Get the fuck out Underage


>tfw we are getting insulted by a 15 old virgin

truly a new low frens