Frens, I met a nice grill. She's probably a virgin, should I ask anyway or is that rude?

53  2019-06-09 by ForgottenMemes



No, just give her some of your tendies. That's the way to make her a fren. Or maybe more then a friend ;)

Fren unless you met her at a frenly church I doubt that story. Has any frens told you she looks familiar at all?

Yes, many frens have noticed that she looks familiar. She's sure pretty enough to be a movie star.

Now I made an Google image search. Disappointed.

I would ask her in a frenly way.

Is your intention to make her your grlfren?

I’ve seen some of her movies by accident fren. Very un-frenly.

She always seemed very frenly to me

It’s the devils work fren

Fren, maybe try to give her some snackies. Everyone loves snackies

I love snackies, it might just work.

Don’t ask right away

Mmmmm... well fren what I would do is offer her some tendies if she accepts than she is a fine waman and if she declines than it is a thot, at that point run as fast as possible