Henlo fren, do you have a license for those tendies?

226  2019-06-09 by ScuffedRomanReigns


FBI is not our fren. Very unfrenly people there.

I heard that just like many of the non-frens from chapo the founder of the FBI too liked to dress as a woman. Seems like a common tendency with unfrenly people.

I don't do dat :(

The 2nd frenmendment says my right to tendies SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, fren.

Nice try FBI

Those things do not exist.

The men and women who claim to for them do so in order to avoid natural liability for their acts of war against native americans, etc.

Keep in mind, the US Government has been illegally occupying the American Indian peoples for hundreds of years.

Agree. Remove all white non-frens from the land of the fire water drinkers. Things will be ten times better once frens who couldn't even conceive of a wheel 500 years ago take over.

It's not illegally occupied. It was conquered fair and square with steel and the blessing of the almighty.

Fren, I like you, but conquest is never perfected, conquest is an ongoing process, it's never land that is conquered, it is bodies. It is an ancient Phoenecian myth that we are born of the land, and tied to the land, but it is not true. We live in space, we never even touch the land, though we get very close to it, but we fly in space, there is space between us and the land, that is just how physics works.

Well sure, academically you are right fren. But you cant feed your family with pontificating how we're all space beings. People need food, food is made from land, therefore land creates people. Our ancestors secured this land so we could exist. In fact, they were so successful that their descendant can vapidly tell everyone how they watched a Vsauce video and that we're floating beings and nothing matters.

I didn't say nothing matters, physics doesn't imply nihilism, it just means we live in space, not, for example, in DETROIT MICHIGAN, which is something that shows up on a map.

My good faith belief is that to secure land, which requires martial force, one must live in space and understand the spatial relations between bodies, one cannot be caught up in phantoms.

And if you think about it, the American Indians knew this, when the Crown tried to tell them "YOU ARE NOW IN DETROIT MICHIGAN, YOU MUST OBEY THE LEGISLATURE," they just fought with them. Then once the fighting men (who had less technology) were dead, then the men who didn't fight and the women made treaties, but that only happened once the noblemen had been killed off, they would simply not allow the white man to impose municipal law over them, they would rather die than be tied to the ground.

sloppy job, mossad

Just a second officer let me first turn of the lights and grab my car keys.


I heard that just like many of the non-frens from chapo the founder of the FBI too liked to dress as a woman. Seems like a common tendency with unfrenly people.