Schools out frens, but I still have constant anxiety about my grades and I wake up in cold sweat thinking about it.

165  2019-06-09 by EX-EroSaint


I understand fren. I'm 22 and I still wake up in cold sweats after dreaming about failing some class and i feel like shit for a couples hours after.

Prolly gonna get downvoted for being a chapoposter but don't be afraid to reach out to your school/university's teaching or support staff! There's a ton of people out there that are willing to help you and want you to succeed!

If you need any help with English or French tutoring pm me.

Don't worry; you seem very frenly, and we accept all frens. :)

Don't sweat it fren, in the end there are a lot more important things than school!

In Scotland we are in school till July

Do some pushups and read a good book fren. You will feel much better.

If you work hard and put the work in you will get good grades for sure, fren

I graduated college 4 years ago and I still get those dreams some times. Find a way to relax while you’re awake and the stress dreams will be less prevalent. I recommend exercise. The happy and relaxing chemicals released by exercise are not to be underestimated.

Same here fren, I graduated in December and I still have nightmares about being signed up for some class without my knowledge and then failing that class for not attending

Keep talking to your frens! Maybe you won’t think about it :)

Shoot em

School is pointless unless you do a trade nowadays. My biggest regret is my undergrad and mba. I got divorced because of work. I lost millions i never wanted. My kids are priceless but being a laborer would have given me a much happier live. Mo money mo problems