We must prepare for a frenkrieg.

26  2019-06-09 by Mr_Piggens


Ja, I know a miniscule amount of German from LARPing as a Prussianfren. (Don’t ask why.) PREUßEN ÜBER ALLIES

I will die for Preußen and for my frens!

Not very frenly

I just wish to secure a living space for our people, fren. I am a good guy.

Hi a good guy., I'm dad.

Okkkkkk if you say so fren

I can’t wait for the antifascist lurkers to flip their shit over this picture

I can't wait for Topminds to see this and get triggered by this

Hail victory, fren!

Stupid stupid fren this is exactly what they wants you to post 😱

Im ready for the fren Reich

All hail the fren reich !

Heil Frenler!

Where this is frens, so there is Frenland

cool lightning bolts are you an electrician?

Yes, fren.