Frens I fear Mr. Longnose will escape and take away my tendies from oven

168  2019-06-09 by ahora


whoa whoa MR. LONGNOSE SURVIVED THAT ONE WAY TRIP TO MADAGASCAR!? I thought Skipper would beat the crap out of him! I think I heard Mr. Longnose say the N-word....


That was a very frenly warning fren good lookin out

He can't steal the tendies if the ovens never stop running, fren.

You know that by saying that you only justify r/AgainstHateSubreddits 's actions in eyes of normies, right?

What are you talking about, fren?

No ones going to reach into an open oven to grab tendies fren

..... I’m guessing this is because the word oven is in his comment? If you hear the word oven and get triggered idk what to say and if it’s not that then I’m begging you explain what is bad about this comment

Fren, we need a comprehensive strategy to deal with Mr. Longnose, so that he cannot continue to poison frens. Remember, most of the time Mr. Longnose tricks frens into getting into the cage and giving up their tendies, or he tricks other frens into acting nonfrenly and herding frens into cages, in order to steal their tendies.

Maybe we need to learn from Mr long-nose, and make some cages of our own. Or, we could set traps using frens, and then remove Mr long-nose from the Lily pond. He has his own homeland.

No one can help himself; we are all gone out of the straight way. Not one of us is good, not one of us. But there is a Fren who brings salvation to those whom he elects, a fren who sticks closer than any brother, a fren who has conquered death and obtained the victory for us.

Greedy long nose is at it again!!

No one can help himself; we are all gone out of the straight way. Not one of us is good, not one of us. But there is a Fren who brings salvation to those whom he elects, a fren who sticks closer than any brother, a fren who has conquered death and obtained the victory for us.

Greedy long nose is at it again!!