am sad frens, today my doggy pass away. rip

1637  2019-06-08 by alextorr97


























He's in doggy heaven now, fren. With all the other good bois. Be at peace.

That's sad fren, but remember, there are lots of dogs who need a fren, so, you know, grieve an appropriate amount of time and find a new fren!

that makes me feel better fren, thank you. i will remember that

Dont worry fren I can relate. You’ll get through the grieving process just remember the good times you had together.

This sucks fren i hope everything turns out ok

I’m sorry, fren. You gave your dog a good life and they were happy to spend it with you. Try to remember all the good times you both had together and know that it meant the world to your dog each and every time.

thank you fren, i really needed this

It‘s okay to be sad fren. Doggos are best frens out there. I‘m sure you were a great fren for your doggo all his life. Take your time and when you‘re feeling better, you can help a new fren to live a happy life.

I'm sorry to hear that, fren. I'm sure they were a good dog and that you were a good owner.

Doggys can be the best frens in the world. I know your dog loved you with all his/her heart. Grieve all you need, and don't forget that there are many puppers in shelters that would love to have a wonderful owner fren like you. ❤️

My dog Pongo was killed by a car a couple weeks ago and it still hurts so much. I’m sorry for your loss it will eventually get better over time.

Fren my Daisy shih tzu girl was killed same way last year. I hope Pongo and her are there to comfort each other in doggy heaven.

Same to you fren I’m sorry for your loss.

Take some time off fren, it’s ok to cry.

My furry fren passed some days ago. Maybe theyll be frens in another life

Remembb that doggy is waiting for you. Doggy always be there watching over you, fren.


I'm sorry for loss fren, A doggo is always someone we hold close. Be happy dat it happen fren and not sorry that its over. Remember the good times. Like they wanted you too.

your best fren is in dog heaven


Doggies are the best frens for us human frens. You can be happy by knowing that you made his life amazing for as long as he was your fren

Dog's are as close to God as you can get besides babies, fren. Just pure love, acceptance, and innocence.

I'm sorry fren. You can hang with me and my dog for a bit

No joke, mine just died today too. My heart's with you my guy

very sorry to hear that, good thing our doggy’s have some good company up there fren

Yeah, I suppose so. It kinda hurts to realize he's better there, but we had both him and his sister and she just passed away on Monday, he was still so heart broken over it

I am sorry about that.


He's in the rainbow bridge waiting for you fren. When you get the tickets to the cloud club doggy fren will reunite with you. Feel better fren.

Fren. I say F for puppy

It'll be okay fren. Your doggi is with you an being frenly in your heart

Fren it’s will be okay. It will hurt but you will be okay. Remember the happy times you have had. He is with other doggos now.

Fuck your dog


Fuck you, OP is grieving over something he loved dying, don’t need to be an Asshole

I’m sorry fren. Toughest thing to do is say goodbye

It’s okay fren, we’re here for you

Awww. Its okay fren. Do you need a hug?


I’m so sorry fren. He is a beautiful place with other doggies. RIP

Doggies are the best of frens of us frens, and I’m sure he or she will have good frens in doggy heaven.


Am so sorry for your loss fren

I used to have an old dog when I was high school, always enjoyed seeing him run down to greet me coming home on the bus. It is always sad to lose dog, fren, but is important to move on and be happy.


Bye bye dog fren

Who gives a fuck about your dumbass dog, post it somewhere else, this isn’t a therapy subreddit.

i bet ur this angry in person, jk i bet you watch your mouth so someone doesn’t beat your ass. the internet is a great place. please tell me more fren


sorry fren

It’s ok fren try to feel better, my dog passed away recently too and it’s tough but it’ll get better! Especially when you have frens!

I found a stray dog and have her some pizza and water because we have no dog food, but my mom says we can’t keep her

Same thing happened to me couple months ago☹ its ok fren, keep them in your heart. They are crossing the rainbow bridge with new frens! They will be happy you gave them a great life.


Sorry for your loss Fren.


If you need to talk to someone fren, you can always PM me.


thank you fren, i really needed this