My dear Frens, I been dabbin the day away like crazy, yet the world still seems so unfrenly. Beginning to wonder even if it’s worth dabbin on... please send fren love..and maybe pooped from all these fancy moves...

44  2019-06-08 by jayleisee


Keep at it fren. The world will see you and all you've done.

Your enemies will know your quality before ever you meet them, my fren.

Don't worry fren we luv you

I love you so much fren 🌸

Fren, never stop doing what u love. Sorry but I have no tendies left to gib, I promise I will get some for you

I love you fren. It means so damn much.

I love you both

Owww fren

Fren, let me know when u want to get rid of nonfrens. I will dab with you

And how do I let you know of nonfrens..they are so damn crafty

Hmm.. Fren, I think you will need a very big and powerful flashlight just like in the batman movies.

Omg so true. Where does one procure one?

Hmmmm... Fren, when you buy tendis ask for flashlight too. Maybe they have