Hi frens I’m really not doing very well. Can anyone give me some advice? Pm me if you could.

29  2019-06-08 by THROWAWAY-WATERMELON


You okay fren? I love and appreciate you

No it feels like I’m a no one

You are your only one. It'll get better. Find Jesus and he'll help show you.

Jesus seems awfully quiet as of late :(

That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

Can you explain how that applies to me and how I can improve myself? Genuinely curious

Weakness is an opportunity for strength. Adversity needs to be over come. It's how life and God works. You are given challenges to shape you. Nothing is easy and nothing is given except his love and forgiveness.

How can I move forward in a healthy and productive way?

Dunno. It's between you and God.

Ok I’ll pray I guess.

God just means nature in English, "deus, id est natura," "god, that is nature," so it means that you need to think about your nature and the nature of your environment and figure out how to deal with those two natures. Diet, exercise, etc. are important. Or if you're hanging around bad influences, etc. that's important.

How can we help fren?

Advice on how to unfuck my life. Maybe just support I don’t know I’m kinda a wreck

I am no philosopher, no psychiatrist, no expert, but I can direct you to someone who is. You may search “Jordan Peterson” on YouTube and watch his lectures, interviews, broadcasts, etc. all for free!

Some say he is (((controlled opposition))) because of his thoughts on tribalism and the individual, however, all that aside, I would consider him the utmost authority on “untucking” your life while exerting the least effort possible.

I really appreciate Mr Peterson’s lessons online and how they are practical. I especially love his break down time in a crisis video. I just need some support and motivation to make it out of this big rut in my life.

Have you considered his self authoring program? I can not vouch for it but he speaks highly of it and offers it free to listeners to prove it is not self help scam.

I think you will discover motivation if you lay out your goals and realize that they are actually achievable.

I’ll look into it. Thank you.

You have so much potential you don’t even realize. Begin to tap into that and you become invincible.

I sure how ur saying that genuinely Bc people say that all the time. :(

I am specifically trying to avoid cliches and insincere statements. I know those don’t help.

Your effort is sincerely appreciated. It’s just been a rough while and talking to people like you who care just melts my heart. Thank you very much.

This is what I mean by untapped potential. A mere conversation between us can have great impact.

I see. You’ve made an impact today. Thank you for your time and caring nature it helps.

Leave me a pm whenever you feel. I’ve been in my own personal hell before. I empathize.

And for support, family and frens always. Rank them and go to the top few for support

I reached out to a few tonight and to yalls Bc homelife kinda sucks rn.

Fren I can honestly say life’s low points will have you feeling like poo and it’s does get better it’s all relative. Do you feel like work or school is getting to down or more social aspects. Pm me fren and we can talk daily until you get back on your feet.

Hey fren I've been like you. I cant say I found some magic tendies that fixed my life or how I feel about myself, but i can say that just taking it all one day at a time can be a good way to go about things until you get out of your rut. Get a daily routine and stick to it. Mine, for example, is get up, go to work, come home to change, go get dinner at applebees because its everybody's favorite bar and grill, come home and play on my computer for an hour or two, watch Adult Swim reruns until I fall asleep. Now it might be easier for me to do that since I'm autistic and thrive on doing the same thing all the time, but who know maybe itll work for you! If you do it right and get it down to a science there will be no time in your day that you have to have those bad thoughts :)

Thanks <3 I’ll try it out

Give us something to work with here fren.