I’m graduating from middle school frens! Wish me luck for high school!

203  2019-06-07 by exult_


Good luck to you young fren! Enjoy your summer and coming years in high school, I bet you will make lots of frens!

Thanks fren ❤️

You commented instead of replying

He's 13 give him a break

you should leave this sub before you get infected. the worldview shared by many on this sub only sets you up for future pain.

I assume you are a nonfren...

nah i’m white wym

Exactly. Real frens are green. You must be a ghost hired by mr longnose

telling me i can’t be a fren because of my skin color, bigot

Fren ghosts are scary. Cant take chances. Pardon my fren ch

:) don’t worry i’m casper the friendly ghost

Oh well in that case its good to meet you mr frenly ghost. Try not to be to close to fellow green frens though, you might spook them.

got it. thank you for the advice

Hope you have a frenly time in highschool fren!

Good work, fren! Study hard! And remember, in the end, it's not the destination but the frens you make along the way!

Good luck! To challenge yourself , but never overextended yourself. Play it safe, but never be afraid

Jeez you’re young. I mean I was on pol and that age but this is crazy looking back on it

no bullying frens!

I am too fren!

Be weary fren, liberalism just gets worse and worse

Words of advice:

Don't take yourself too seriously, you're a young idiot. Don't take anybody else too seriously either, they're all young idiots too. Do your schoolwork, get good grades, and try to find something that inspires you to continue your education and eventually do as a livelihood.

College isn't a must. Trade school is respectable and you can often make more money, but either way, good grades are going to matter. Keep your eyes on the prize: not having to struggle.

Good luck fren!!!!

I just graduated high school fren! Remember not only is it okay to make mistakes it’s important to do so! Also make sure you challenge yourself and do things that make you just a bit uncomfy!

Good luck youngen fren