Yay Frens I just love throwing around food!!!

201  2019-06-07 by Firetesticles


lol you little scamp

I see fren. I see something else?

Yea actually what i'm lost lmao

You’ll get there someday fren. It’s not easy to see at first, but things will make a lot more sense once you can.

oh yea i see it now...

Can you help a frenzy out? I'm a wittle slow

That's a very large pepper, fren

It is made large by his frenlyness

Just don’t waste the food when you’re done! Throwing away uneaten food is like a bop to the environment and that’s not nice

No fren don't do that is wasteful


Tentacle rubbing intensifies

Fren, don't buy baguettes, get bagels. Much yummier. *rubs hands.

Nunununnununun baguettes best crispness but you have to eat it fast or else it’s worse than a tendon cooked by a topmind

I feel a sudden sense of greed

Fren what happened to your hand??

The foods I really hate is Nectarines Indian Grapes Gravy Egg Raisins Snickers

Calm down fren-Chan.

But y fren, why


Only the enlightened can see it

my, what a large bell pepper, fren


gimme some