*HUFF* *HUFF* Must warn Frens... *HUFF*

942  2019-06-07 by happybillmoney


Hi Frens, remember non-frens dootdoot true frens updoot.

Also check out the last ones if you want.

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

Hey, frens if you have time check out these Straw Polls, thanks 🐸

What do you think about the comics so far? https://www.strawpoll.me/18125421

I am planing on not releasing new comics Sat and Sun but instead posting 1 Mon-Fir, Is that ok? https://www.strawpoll.me/18125445

Should I make a blogspot or imgur to host the comics so you can always get to them? https://www.strawpoll.me/18125471

Hwat has happened my fren

I enjoy all the work you put into these fren


You got me lol

You can make it, Fren! You cant give up!

Frens is this an old city? It has the fren towers in the backfiring.

Fren, let me explain. There exist a multi-Frenaverse. This is frenaverse #1487. Here the old and new exist at the same time. Hope that clears everything up.

Oooooo fren! I believe in the multiverse theory!!! Bad guys didn’t take down the towers in your dimension!

Lets hope it stays that way Fren. 😓

oh fren, I hope there is at least one with no longnose. Or maybe on where the longnoses are frenly. That would be even better.

I heard at mine-con that the Freniverse where no longnose exist is some Freniverse between #0014 - #1499. No one knows which one it could be.

Is there any where the longnose is frenly?

Likley but it is hard to find.

Yes, it's one where young longnose soldiers die for America as they fight America's wars for them, and any mention of anti-Americanism or American frens inside Longnoseworld is tantamount to anti-frenatism.

It's a mirror-world, you see...

Whould that make the americans non frens dor subverting israel?

Who said anything about Israel fren?

how do I get to this universe fren?

Well fren, you need a time machine, and an English-German dictionary... once you get those, I'll let you know the next step.

I think I know fren but I think its not very frenly what if we just make them renounce their unfrenly ways? Or am I too trusting?



Niggle me this frens, what is 13 but also 50?

a pedo and a little gorl

Just catch the Fren mobile

Lol the world trade center in the background good detail fren

Who’s longnose based off of?

Elephants and Kangaroos presumably.

Who do u think

I really deadass have no clue lmao

Group of people who others say have big noses :/


Longnose non-frens like six pointed stars. Often blue on a background of white. Hope this helps, fren!

Thanks for the explanation fren!

This makes me sad. Anyone can be a fren

yea, this sub is honestly just a place to be a subtle honkler. I thought we could all be frens, but I guess some people aren't welcome, which is really a shame :(

No we can all be frens

>i a nonfren am sad that frens dont like nonfrens

>its such a shame that me a "fren" has to see frenworld be so evil

>i am deeply saddend by frenworld for being so unfrenly to nonfrens


sorry fren you can always emigrate to a different country. ill help you file for refugee status so you can escape all the sadness :)

seems like u assume anyone with slightly different viewpoints is a nonfren. I don't think it is very productive to instantly tell someone who finds subtle racism to be stupid and pointless that they should leave the country. Someone can be extremely conservative while also not looking like you. To needlessly gatekeep discussion so you can continue to have ur circlejerk doesn't seem very frenly to me.


This is the kind of thing that makes people hate conservatives. This is the kind of thing that makes people hate people who want to limit illegal immigration. Everyone just assumes you are a 17 yr old edge lord /pol/tard who has his opinions but are covered in 1000 too many layers of edgy racism to be taken seriously. Thanks for that :)


Hopefully eventually you will grow out of this and be a conservative who actually contributes to society and discussion instead of just "hur dur longnose and mudslime bad"

cool blogpost loser

That wasn’t very frenly

this sub is honestly just a place to be a subtle honkler.


its a blue anteater that appeared heavily in the pink panther cartoon of the 1980s

it was created as a side character in the pink panther universe. much how daffy duck is the side of bugs bunny blue anteater as the side chracter for pink panther.

and with a slight artistic modification the blue anteater has be revived

also inspector jaque clueso also called him longnose


You didn't get there in time to save the towers fren :(

Run fren, run!

Apu bop force to the rescue,fren!

Frenworld is the 110th country on the list!

Hurry fren! Longnose wnats to make the towers go boom!

Does frens need a minecraft server?

I'm willing to host, but it won't be very fast

Oh hey! Cool it with the anti-centaurism!

That wasn’t very frenly