Keep looking for that special someone, frens

467  2019-06-07 by ScuffedRomanReigns


Will do, Captain!

I'm pretty sure I found her frens. Feelsgoodman

Good luck fren!!!!

Thank you fren. I wish for all frens to find a good partner in life.

This is beautiful fren!


Why not fren?

It's a trap to turn you into a perpetual consumer.

Having a family?! Nonsense, the oligarchs love nothing more than broken homes and single workers. That's one more apartment to sell, one more subscription to buy, etc.

Man and women united with the eventual goal of the mother rasing your children at home is in direct opposition to consumerism/materialism. To be more than a consumer is to be a creator. What better expression of this than creating and nurturing life.

Good luck with that in 2019

You too fren. You too

At last count I have 4 kids and a beautiful wife. Living in Current Year is no excuse to fail at your basic biological imperatives. Improve yourself and take risks.

That's wonderful fren, you are an inspiration. Thank you for having frenlings and giving frenly advice!

Thank you for the positive reinforcement, fren. People need to understand this is what life is all about. And as u/Falv alludes above, this is how we fight consumerism and materialism from consuming our culture and nations.

Very true, fren. I had this conversation just last night with some semi-frens (not nonfrens, but not frens, really) and it was like talking to a wall, trying to get them to think life was about anything more than hedonistic consumption of sexual pleasure.

Nothing is more symptomatic of a dying civilization more than people like that. Apathy, degeneracy, weakness for hedonism and, I assume, an excess of tolerance.

I know 3 men with 4 kids. 2 of them work 60 hour weeks and live in cardboard boxes by themselves...

Make money. Be free.

Don't forget to consume and be sure to get excited for next product.

Don't forget to be a slave for the rest of your life. Quit your job if you think your wife loves you lol.

What a sad existence you must have.


You nailed it fren. Couldn't have said it better.

I’m slowly but steadily giving up fren... I’ve learned to find comfort in sadness.

No fren, that's no way live. You need to find what makes you happy. Don't put your entire expectation of happiness on finding someone else.

For what it's worth, (and I'm not just larping or talking shit here) I really hope you take the time to find something that makes you truly happy. You deserve it fren.

Thank you fren I needed to hear these wonderful words

You're welcome fren. Make sure you're doing things every day that you enjoy, look after yourself and make positive changes where you need them. Put your energy and efforts into you fren. Whatever else is going on is temporary, set yourself up for what's important and long term. I believe in you.

Fren, what do if I think I don't deserve to be happy with someone else?

Everyone deserves some degree of happiness do unless you're just a monster put the idea of " not deserving" aside. What makes you feel that you're not worthy of another person's love?


Tryin, fren, but it aint easy

Everything good takes effort fren! Be the best fren you can be and look for a fren pilled lady fren, but hint they aren't in bars or on apps fren!

Will do, fren. Thanks for the frenly advice

There are lady frens on here too 😊

Nothing easy is worth it fren. There’s a fren out there for everyone

For those that day it's close to impossible,go to the gym ,work on yourself and you'll get there.

Good advice. Don't forget to keep hydrated too.

I've given up, fren. Things just ended badly for me today, even.

Go your own fren it’s better in the long run.

im severly traumatised from being raped and do no think i will ever find a wife