I got a job at Dairy Queen, frens!

636  2019-06-07 by _A_Pancake_


Nut in at least one person’s ice cream

Naw dude, don't fuck with people's food.

Ew, bop.

Why are people like this???

Because fren, not everyone is a fren

Especially that guy. Blizzards should be on protected class status.

Cool fren

Can I get an oreo blizzard, fren?

Yes you may, fren

I would like one MINT Oreo blizzard with extra Oreos please fren

Did you make sure to fill the blizzards fren

Tell us their secrets, fren (unless you already took thr blood pact)

Good job, you're a nobody at a fast food place. Enjoy being replaceable, cunt

That’s not frienly :(

Probably minimum wage too. Fucking peasant scum

Non-fren :(

Have fun being low class trailer trash, you fucking faggot.

Jesus Christ man, what is your problem

Unfrenliness is a disease sadly!

I enjoy making white supremacists angry, that's my problem lmao

No white spreemicy here, just a bunch of frens who like the interwebz, and making memes

Good luck finding one here lmao

Already found one in mod SERGEI_SUVOROV.

Fren, it sounds to me more like you're, in the extreme case, making fun of developmentally disabled people. I know a little guy who works at MacDonalds. He has a developmental disability. He can't be a doctor or a lawyer, he just doesn't have it in him, but he is able to take a pride in his ability to help others enjoy tasty hamburgers and nuggets.

If your attitude is what is "progressive" in 2019, I don't think I want to be like you, fren.

We all have to work, work is part of life, and it is shameful that you would talk down to a fren for having secured employment, of any sort.

Oof, found myself a minimum wage loser. Shave that neckbeard and get a real job, faggot

Hey, I'm from outside too. Don't sink to their level.

I'm probably at their level, just for different reasons. I just love annoying them too much, like that one bloke that wrote a whole paragraph calling me progressive (big lol).

And this is what you came here to say?

Don worry fren he probaebly hasn took his medicatin

What is your issue.

You barely got Reddit and you are already being a shit head. Quit fingering your arsehole and do something good for people instead of being a retard towards other people.

Seriously... Fuck off. This is a frenly place, and you're being an unfrenly meany face

My favorite is a strawberry cheesecake blizzard. It's gonna be fun fren :) That's a perfect summer job!

Good job fren!!

Good job fren!

Good work, fren! Work is freedom! If you work hard, you will be free!

Will you give a fren discount?

Very cool fren.

Good luck Fren! I start my job at Five Guys tomorrow. I’m nervous, but I’ll try my best


But.. this is mine

No it isn’t non fren! I saw it when I first joined the sub, and I saved it, and that was not yesterday!!

You mean the picture?


Well yeah the picture is re-used but that’s it

Yeah but you didn’t say that you took it. The only thing you added was the title that’s it.

But people frequently re use it

Cool! I recently got my first at Walmart!