We're all gonna make it, frens

669  2019-06-07 by SONNEN_RADICAL


Are you the legendary Chad Thunderbop?

What are some good chin exercises fren?

xdxdxd what a meme you beta, low-T faggot

No need to be unfrenly, I just try to help fren. Is okay if you are insecure in your looks, you can start mewing :]


I've been mewing for a couple of months now, and haven't really seen any results. I'm pretty fat so I cant see my jawline, but when I lift my fat to see the outline of the jaw, it's still curved.

Mewing is mostly just good posture. Going around with a slack jaw and open mouth will look worse than mewing, similar to having a hunched back. Change is really slow, but it’s as much about preventing a bad trend as it is fixing a weak jawline.

I’ve been mewing for a year, and the change is very minor, but because I’m passively mewing all the time, I always look better/confident. Making sure to breathe through the nose is also improving my health.

To become really good looking, you will need to lose weight and gain muscle. That’s hard work, but frens are here to support you :]

Thanks fren, really needed this.

You are legendary fren

Looking good fren!

Are you Arnold fren?


Is this realistically achievable natty?

You sad, fren?

You can be a sick fren if you wanted to be.

We’re all gonna make it, fren.

A healthy body is the foundation of a healthy mind and a healthy spirit.

Keep a positive outlooks frens!

MIRIN' fren :)

I'm not, fren.

It’s fuarking Fryzz brah

Are you into boy frens by any chance fren? 😌

Ew no
