Got the job interview frens!

221  2019-06-06 by nobodysbusiness77897


Me too fran! let's get these tenders!

Yeah let’s crush it fren!

Good luck fren!


So proud fren!


I'm so happy for you fren!


good luck fren. try to stay calm fren

I won’t drink coffee so that I’ll stay relaxed

Secure the tendies fren!


Good luck fren!

Conglaturations fren!

What job, fren?

Computer engineer

Make an automatic tendie maker

That’s industrial engineer, but I can make a program that connects to the machine so that you pick the kind of tendie

Tendies cooked rare

That’s not a good idea to eat chicken rare. I would hate to see u get salmonella fren

It's something belonging in a frency restaurant

Its chicken not salmon fren

That’s industrial engineer, but I can make a program that connects to the machine so that you pick the kind of tendie