My furry fren is very sick frens

109  2019-06-06 by tmoney321


Sup fren?

I hope they get well

Thank you fren

I'm so sorry to hear that fren, I know the feeling :( Let's hope and pray things will be okay! I'm sure whatever happens your furfren couldn't of asked for a frenlier life than with you :) Stay strong fren

Thank you fren. He was a great fren for many years, even at the end he is frenly. I hope one day I too will be as good of a fren as him.

I send my frenliest support.

Oh no! D:

You had me worried for a minute fren. I thought you mean the other kind of furry.

I hope it gets better, fren.

I am very sorry to hear that fren :(

good, hope he dies a SLOW painful death, fren. He's in pain because he know he's worthless as a human-being and a piece of garbage that deserves to be thrown in the trashcan just like you, fren.

That is very rude of you fren >:(

all frens are good frens!

go fuck yourself you hippie liberal pussy. Facts don't care about your feelings! Lord jebus, smite this hethen! He has been sleeping with his brother, only dogs, pigs, and his sister are acceptable!

I see a top cuck is among us, posing as a fren.

You will die alone, nonfren, and your empty words will mean as much then as they do now.

yeah that's exactly what'll happen to you. Great projection, this sub is full of tall talking fat 40 something virgins who are currently, and will forever be alone because your personalities are the definition of T R A S H. You are to be thrown away, don't worry, unlike Pepe, I drive a dumptruck..that bulldozer won't help you, I'm skipping the dump and going straight to the Gulag with your stupid biggoted asses. Put your asses to work for once, lazy selfish pricks

I’m so sorry to hear that. I lost my own little furry feline fren on mother’s day. I hope you have many more days before your fren crosses the rainbow bridge.

Fellow fren, I really hope your sad fren becomes a happy, healthy fren. Sadly, my hamster fren died of pink eye. (possibly)

Love your fren a lot. They are what love looks like

I love you both