What should i do this summer frens.

50  2019-06-06 by boneless_boye


Stop drinking

You can drink a little though fren, even the greatest fren of them all liked his red wine.

Have fun and go outside with your frens

Get certified in something career oriented. Download a cert study book from libgen and study your ass off till you you're qualified to take an exam, and then go take the test.

what are some good ones, fren?

If you like C# or programming in general the microsofr certification is pretty handy to get. If you're interested i can give you a pdf to a complete studybook.

thanks. My ladyfren did a certification in that. So I probably have access to materials. But definitely thanks.

She got a gig at WTC. But it was temporary. Seems like even mid-size businesses have highly interactive and high-feature/advanced apps/websites and systems. But nonfrens tell us to simply build our own!

CCNA to learn networking.

oh yeah, a fren of mine got that. He worked for like a recreation company. He was also a genius (currently a Computer Science Grad researcher for an Ivy league University) so I wasn't sure if that certification specifically helped him or not.

It's rigorous with regards to forcing you to know basic networking, which isn't really basic at all. If you know nothing about networking, it'll be a wild ride. I recommend it as a starter cert as it prepares you for a lot of other certs.

I heard somethin bout a+ being good enough to get you like a help desk position

You do not want to start in the helpdesk. That's like learning how to skateboard by buying a razor scooter first. It's a bad idea. Learn how to skateboard if you want to skateboard. Get the CCNA if you want to learn networking.

Thank you fren I’ve been meaning to study IT for awhile now but was undecided on learning a language or getting certified. I guess I could do both but I’ll make studying networking right now a priority. Any books you recommend me check out or should I just find an official study guide on the site?

I'mma message you the site.

Eat healthy. Exercise. Get closer to Jesus.

Great plan fren!

Maybe stop shidding in your bed fren...

Eat spaghetti, fren

Read philosophy fren, learn to ask more questions!

You could always learn to code, fren. I hear that pays well.

Stop fapping and start working out. Imagine if you did that things would go so well my dude I promise.

keep fapping and work out. ingest your semen for maximum protein gain.

Maybe work

Get drunk off root beer.

Go on a long walk in the woods, it's fun

You can drink a little though fren, even the greatest fren of them all liked his red wine.