YouTubes!! What you’re doing is mighty unfrenly!!

292  2019-06-06 by shacklefordcommarus


The frenly god of fire, he who warms the tendies, is mad.

Hey frens! Let's all send emails and messages to Frensident Trump and say that we need him to step in and tell Youtube and others to be more frenly! Say that our support of him depends on it! I think it might work fren

Frens! Let’s start our own video service! With coke and hookers!

I hope you mean coca cola and fishing gear. That would be pretty cool, fren.

Actually forget the video service, fren

not blackjack and hookers 😢😢

what’s going on with YouTube now, or is it just that YouTube is being YouTube fren?

There seems to be another adpocalypse and purging of wrong think channels

YouTubes is suckuming to the non-fren thought police. They have been hurting frens like Stephen Crowder.

They bopped some of my best frens!

Look how they’ve bopped my fren

Donated to my favorite fren through streamlabs tonight. I never donate. We gotta support our frens in their time of need, even if it hurts a little in the longnose.

Thanks fren. I did the same. Our frens need is, fren.

Freedom of speech is ded,fren.You cannot even make fun of a lispy non fren.Time for bopping is near fren.

The bopperlube, fren.

There's a great fren group on readit for that. They use pea-shooters on Saturdays and Sundays. Cool frens *thumbsup*

Bop um when they at the gasoline station.

My fren nick Fuentes got wiped out :(

Oh no no no no no

He got the ban knife :(

I'm gonna send some tendies to stefren and his mugfrens. It is time to bop the clowns over at silicon nonfrens with antitrust laws, frens.

I heard there is a Persian friend that might be able to fix this situation 🤔

Mabye Islam is the way fren.

It just may be fren. I hope not, but you never know what tomorrow brings 😀

