Happy pride month frens

0  2019-06-05 by Python154


Your flags got some weird colors

What sexuality is that? Pan? There’s too many

It’s just bi, fren

Ok sorry

You don’t need to be sorry fren, you just didn’t know

Pan is a made up Tumblr term

I know people who actually identify as it but ok

So you have autistic friends who don't know how biology works. Good for you, buddy.

How is pan related to biology?

Pan= being able to feel sexually attracted to all people. Since there are only two genders, pan = made up word for degenerates who wanna feel special and call themselves pan, instead of bi.

Pansexual wasn’t made up by tumblr it was first used over 100 years ago, it doesn’t mean “being able to feel sexually attracted to all people”. The dictionary definition(and common use of the word by people who identify as pansexual) is “not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.” Meaning that they don’t take gender into account when being sexually attracted to someone. Bisexuals on the other hand are attracted to both genders on different ways. And bisexuals aren’t always 50% into guys, 50% into girls. It can be anywhere from 90/10 to 70/30. It’s very nonfrenly for you to call them degenerates and I hope that even if you think everything I just said is wrong that you can be nice to anyone who calls themself pansexual.


Ok sorry

Pan is a made up Tumblr term

I know people who actually identify as it but ok