My fren got banned from this subreddit for schlorp posting. He just wanted to tell you guys what a dog sounds like when it drinks. :(

40  2019-06-05 by XqcLLLLLL


Nonfrens are easily scared and prone to rash decisions because their topminds are unstable from holding too many contradictory beliefs

how he gott beaned tho

They put him in can of bean fren :(

A dog with a wig goes Schlonk

Some mods have a hard time differentiating between doggo speak, spurdo speak, and other stuff. Be patient with them, they have autism.

To be clear, any retarded form of speech is frowned upon.

Even gibs tendies?

So that one line probably wouldn't piss anyone off, it's more along the lines of are you using some type of baby speak or constantly larping with with misspelled words.

That is mean bad fren! schlorp schlorp

Do what you want to fren, I'm just trying to to educate. Doggo/zoomo or any other retarded talk can get you bopped, just letting frens know the facts.

Schlorp schlorp

Do what you want to fren, I'm just trying to to educate. Doggo/zoomo or any other retarded talk can get you bopped, just letting frens know the facts.